
Friday, May 23, 2008

Observations of Australia on shortwave


All times UTC // parallel frequencies

2368.5 RadioSymban: This has now been confirmed as the one. Initially we were hearing a test broadcast which explains the lack of announcements, and the transmitter was only fired up about four hours before I caught it at 0945 UTC on Saturday, May 17. Programming now includes IDs and ads. It has been confirmed that it is running 1000 watts into a 20 m.-high antenna at Peats Ridge,about 60 km. north of Sydney. Reception reports will currently be verified viae-mail only to and the subject line must be "Reception Report." You can include an MP3 file of your reception report to aid in confirming reception. Thanks John Wright for managing to contact them and get those details. Monitoring with a professional setup someone from the ACMA gives it as running a fraction low on 2368.465 kHz.(Richard Jary-OZ, ARDXC; DXplorer May 19)

9475 Radio Australia, Shepparton VIC, 1837-1858*, 16 May, English to Asia, talks, music; SINPO 33432, adajacent QRM.

9660 Radio Australia, Brandon QL (10 kW), 0717-0759*, 15 May, English to the Pacific, talks; SINPO 15431.

9660 Radio Australia, Brandon QL (10 kW), 2138-2155, 15 May, English to the pacific, music, talks; SINPO 23431, adajacent QRM.

9710 Radio Australia, Shepp. VIC, /0700-0755, 16 May, English to NW Pacific, music, Pacific news, SINPO 45433, then blocked by LTU.

9710 Radio Australia, Shepp. VIC, 1835-1850, 16 May, English to the Pacific, talks, music; SINPO 23431, adajacent QRM.

13630 Radio Australia, Shepp. VIC, /0700-0815, 16 May, English to the Pacific, news, Pacific news, etc.; SINPO 45444 but useless signal around 0800.(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 13-20)
(Source: WWDXC Top News; BC-DX#861 via wb, Germany)

Additional Aussie logs:
4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, *2130-2214, May 03, English announcements to ABC newscast, phone-ins, talks, sports news, SINPO 55343. (Gonçalves)

5025, VL8K, Katherine, NT, *2130-2210, May 03, cf. // 4835 VL8A, 54333 (!!!), QRM from Benin 5025. (Gonçalves)

12080, ABC, Brandon, 0416, May 11, sports commentary in English, fair; poor by 0433 recheck. (Ronda via DXplorer)
(DSWCI-DX Window # 350 via Anker Petersen, Denmark)

9580 Radio Australia via Shepparton-RA 1822 English SIO 433 May 14 Lady annoucer with news updates on Burma and China disasters. (S. MacKenzie,CA)