
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Radio Myanmar resumes broadcasting

5985, Radio Myanmar 1348-1405 UTC, May 8, first day that they have resumed broadcasting after not being hear for several days. Before the cyclone the format at this time would usually be easy-listening pop songs, but today of course was different, non-stop talking in vernacular and naturally many mentions of Myanmar, mostly fair reception till 1400, after that was poor due to 5980 signing-on with a strong signal. E-mails sent to Myanmar have recently not gone through, but have not failed, just "temporarily delayed", as I assume the power has been off there.
Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
Victor Goonetilleke reported from Colombo, Sri Lanka on 7 May: Cyclone hit Yangon and power is down and vast destruction reported. So obviously Myanmar is running on emergency power, so shortwave transmitters are off the air. I can’t hear any mediumwave stations here. All three Yangon based TXers are off the air at 1245 on 7 May, viz 5040, 5915, 5985. However Defense Forces Station on 5770 is going on as usual.
Morning 5915 5985 and 7185 are also off the air. Surely the midday 9730 kHz is also off the air. Watching 594 and 576 mediumwave channels for any programmes.
Update 9 May: I heard last afternoon (8 May) first broadcast at 0730 UTC on 9730 and nothing after that till this morning 0030 UTC s/on on 7185. On the evening of 9 May noted 5985 kHz is also back on the air but s/off at 1430 UTC earlier than regular s/off time 1600 UTC.
(Source: Victor Goonetilleke/DXAsia/R netherlands Media Network Weblog)