
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blog Logs - Clandestines

All times UTC
* sign-on sign-off* // parallel frequencies

9655, Lutheran World Federation / Sawtu Linjiila, I received a non detailed verification via e-mail from Mr. Jukka Latva-Hakuni, Media Consultant of the Lutheran World Federation. It confirms that the programme is produced in Ngaoundere, Cameroon, and he promises to send me further information soon. He tells too that in the past they were broadcasting via TWR in South Africa. (Fernández).

9940, North Korean Reform Radio, via Tainan, Taiwan, *1300-1330*, Jun 01, 04 and 10, Carmen theme, talks in Korean, no music, but mixing with jamming pulses. Off at exactly 1330. (Wilkins in DXplorer). Thus not on 9950! (Ed)

11610, Voice of the People, via Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar, 0443-0458*, Jun 02, talks in UNID language, with some English words intelligible, 0452 brief musical theme and closing ann, weak. (Jensen)

11695, Voice of the People, via Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar, 3rd daily transmission added, 1100-1200 (250 kW, 265 degrees) introduced Jun 01 in connection with Zimbabwe's presidential run-off election on Jun 27. (RNMN via DXplorer)

12035, SW Radio Africa, via Rampisham, 1852-1859:30*, Jun 01, two men with discussion about situation in Zimbabwe. ID at 1855 followed by tribal vocals until song ended at 1859 but carrier remained on for another 30 seconds. Poor to fair. (D'Angelo)

13820, Voice of Oromia Democratic Eritrea, via Juelich, Germany, *1700-1710, Th Jun 05, musical jingle and Tigrinya ID, ann Internet (?), talk with references to "America, Indiana and Canada", QRM R Martí in Spanish, SINPO 43433. (Romero)

15280, Voice of Biafra International, via WHRI Heard on 17650 Fr Jun 06!!! (Petersen). Maybe next Friday June 13 they will change to lower 15280 then... That is another example of poor frequency management by WHRI management or engineering at the station. (Bueschel)

15650, Miraya FM, Juba, Sudan, via Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia (150 kW, 160 degrees), *1500-1800*, May 28, 31 and Jun 01, English/Arabic programme to Sudan, ID's, Afropop, English Reggae song, ann "Sudan Tonight" in both languages, ann a coming ralley, ex 9825, 45534. (Ford, Liangas, Petersen and Romero). Also very good signal in Bulgaria, but on Sa strong co-channel Voice of Oromiya Independence in Oromo/Amharic, via Wertachtal. (Ivanov via BC-DX, Jun 03)

15660, Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instructions, via Meyerton, South Africa, *0630-0645, Mo Jun 02, English language lesson "My name is ...", SINPO 35333 only weak carriers audible on // 15530 (Dhabbaya) and 15760 (Skelton). (Petersen)

17650, Voice of Biafra, via WHRI, Cypress Creek, SC, USA, *2000-2033, Fr Jun 06, still heard on this frequency and not on 15280 or 15665, English and Ibo, religious hymns, 3 ID's: "You are tuned to the Voice of Biafra, coming to you from Washington D.C.", talk about Biafra and Nigeria, ann frequency change to 15385 for next broadcast on Fr Jun 13, SINPO 35333. (Petersen and Romero)
(Source: DSWCI/DX Window 352 via Anker Petersen, Denmark)