
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Former radio announcers cite contemporary Voice of Free Indonesia announcers

Old radio hands reunite, fault gap in foreign language skills

Former radio announcers of the Voice of Free Indonesia (VOFI) have criticized contemporary announcers for their low proficiencies in foreign languages, especially English. “They must improve their language skills because the radio programs are broadcast all over the world,” Zuraida “Ida” Rosihan Anwar said on Monday.
“Most announcers used to speak more than one foreign language like Dutch, English, French and German, fluently. Today, I see current announcers have limited capacity to speak foreign languages. They should train more,” said Ida, who speaks English and Dutch. Ida, 84, was one of the VOFI’s first announcers.
She was speaking at a talk show to celebrate the spirit of independence in conjunction with the radio station’s 62nd anniversary with several of her former colleagues.
Read complete story from The Jakarta Post at:
(Source: R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)