
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Radio Emmanuel QSL policy change?

QSL Policy Changed?
After numerous attempts for getting a reception report for the Ukrainian broadcast of Radio Emmanuel verified, I was able to get a reply from Sabine Gawol Media broadcast Sabine.Gawol@t-systems .com Her reply was this: “To your reception report: Since 01.01.2008 Christian Vision is operating at their own liability over the transmission station in Juelich, which is bought by Christian Vision. So, I am not able to confirm the following reception report. I'm sorry.”.....
I did get a reply from Walter Brodowsky, (prior to my reply from Ms Gawol) who sated that “My colleague Sabine Gawol will respond to your reception reports” So his statues at verifying reports is no long there. I hope the statues of getting verification replies from Media Broadcast (a.k.a. DTK-Juelich) improves; For in a past Mr. Walter Brodowsky was excellent in this position.
(Source:Edward Kusalik,Alberta,Canada)