
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

World Contact News

June 08 via Mike Barraclough

Radio Guaruja Paulista will stop relaying Radio Globo and broadcast their own programmes, the 3235 transmitter will be moved to Guaruja and they will soon be testing on 9715 with 1 kw. (Pedro de Castro, Brazil via Rich D'Angelo)

Radio Ethiopia National Service heard May 3 on all three of its shortwave channels. 5990, 7110 and 9704.2 heard at 1830 tune-in with news in Vernacular; 5990 and 7110 both fair/clear and 9704.2 with usual heterodyne. 7110 blocked by CRI Hungarian between 1900-1930, but audible again with the other two outlets after 1930. Scheduled sign-off is 2100. (Tony Rogers, Birmingham, BDXC-UK) Radio Fana is audible here from about 1800-1900 and 2000-2100 on 6110 with a good signal. Also confirmed in parallel on much weaker 7210. There is co-channel interference from CRI between 1900 and 2000. (Dave Kenny, Caversham, BDXC-UK)

Latvia Today seems to be regular now Sundays 1500-1600 on 9290. (Allen Dean, Lancashire)It was but then on June 1 switched to 1200-1300. (Mike Barraclough)

Papua New Guinea
The NBC shortwave transmitter on 4890 / 9675 in Port Moresby is still out of order. AusAid are now proposing replacing the transmission unit with two 25 kW shortwave transmitters. If this happens; I wouldn't expect it to happen until much later in the year or perhaps not until 2009. (Ian Baxter, Australia, Sw sites via Wolfgang Bueschel)

Radio Romania International transmitters at Galbeni are being replaced with new 300 kw units. This has meant a temporary reduction in frequencies used as only the Tiganesti site is being used. English to Western Europe is now 0530-0600 on 9655, 1200-1230 on 15220, 1700-1800 on 11735, 2030-2100 on 9515, 2200-2300 on 7185, to East Coast North America 2030-2100 on 11940, 2200-2300 on 9790, 0000-0100 on 9775, to West Coast North America 0300-0400 on 6150, to SE Asia 0300-0400 on 11895 and to the Pacific 0530-0600 on 17770. (Nick Sharpe, Staines)

Saudi Arabia
At least two of the 500kw Riyadh transmitters were defective as of deadline, instead of audio they transmit a loud buzzing tone. On May 29 I monitored the 1600-1800 transmission on 15205, the buzzing tone was monitored from 14560 to 16130, for most of this range the buzzing was continuous turning into ignition like spikes for the last 100 kHz or so, it effectively made the entire 15 Mhz broadcasting band unusable here. I then monitored the transmission 1800-2300 on 11915, presumably the same transmitter, buzzing noted between 11710 and 12360. On May 31 15205 was similar when first checked 1600, had clear audio on 1700 re-check but when moved to 11915 was buzzing again at 1920. The 15435 transmitter was also buzzing at 1620, spreading 15427 to 15440. (Mike Barraclough)

IRIN Radio via Meyerton in Somali is now 0830-0845 on 13685 via Abu Dhabi. (Dan Henderson, Dxplorer via Wolfgang Bueschel)

This year, the external service of Swedish Radio turns 70. On July 1, 1938 the first ever broadcast from Stockholm directed abroad was in Swedish. A year later, programmes in English and German went on air. Today Swedish Radio broadcasts in 13 different languages. Ahead of an anniversary programme in September, the Radio Sweden website will publish a special archive including the most interesting reports of the previous seven decades and an online competition. (Media Network) Radio Sweden English to Middle East 1530-1600 is now using 11595, ex 11590. (Media Network)

After eight years in which most islands have not been able to receive Radio Vanuatu, the national broadcaster will return to speaking nationwide in the middle of the year. The short wave transmitters will cost over £200,000 which is to be given by aid donors. By the end of July installation should be completed. (Vanuatu Independent via Gavin Robertson, BDXC-UK)
(Source: Hans Johnson, FL/Cumbre DX)