
Monday, July 21, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sing-on sign-off*

6160 Radio Rio Mar, Manaus. 1001-1015. July 14. Lady announcer's Portuguese morning 'magazine' style format of announcements, time check to PSA's. Easy-listening Braz pops to announcer's music title format between tunes up to 1015 tune-out. SIO 434. (G Van Horn, NC)

2380.69, Radio Educadora (tentative), 0925-0935. Hearing a male in Portuguese with comments. Can't make out any details due to the terrible conditions this morning. The atmosphere is jumping with static pops and crashes, covering almost every band. (Chuck Bolland, FL July 16, 2008)

6155, CNR2, 1015-1100 Hung around 6155 KHz after the above shutdown. Gradually Chinese faded in with female and male in comments. The AOKI says this is Beijing 491, which I assume is a transmitter number in Beijing. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Anyway if that is correct, it is a very interesting designation to me. I ran a search on the Magna database* for CNR and saw listed a other Beijing transmitters with numbers following: i.e. 572, 541 as well as 491. Also listed were numbers for other transmitting cities. Checked the recent WRTH and didn't see any of the numbers mentioned there. Signal never improved beyond poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL July 21, 2008)

9760 CyBC (via VT Comm.), 2217-2244* July 19. Station sign-on with Greek music melody to YL's sign-on ID. Greek programming of announcer chat and interview to 2242. Greek music to interval signal melody on guitar, to 2244.* Not noted on listed // 7210. SINPO 43333. Noted same programming format on 9760 for last weekends broadcast July 11 and 12th. (G Van Horn, NC)

French Guiana
9825, Radio France Internatinal, 1005-1030, Noted various persons in Spanish language news and comments. At a point,noted a clear ID in Spanish "Radio France International". Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL July 20, 2008)

15785 Galei Zahal, 0028-0050. July 13. Fair signal for SIO 323 with David Bowie's Modern Love hit. Hebrew announcement into techno tune. YL's segment of updates to big band rendition of Oasis' tune Wonderwall by Harry Connick Jr. More of same format into two more Connick songs. Parallel 6975 poor quality SIO 221. (G Van Horn, NC)

6010, Radio Mil, 0840-0900 Tuned in with nice ezl music followed by Sp comments from a male, then promos with many mentions of "Radio Mil". At 0852 back to Rancheros type music. Nice signal at fair level. Easy to understand with good modulation. (Chuck Bolland, July 21, 2008)

Radio Mil, DF. 0915-0935. July 13. Nice signal this morning at SIO 444. Mexican ballad tunes to "Radio Mil" singing jingle. Easy-listening Spanish vocals to"Esta es Radio Mil musica." Additional canned station ID to upbeat Mexican pop vocals. Station time check at 0930, followed by ID/frequency announcement. Another station promo and ID jingle to Spanish rachero music. Promo for music program into Spanish ballads. (G Van Horn, NC)

New Zealand
7145, Radio New Zealand Int. 0906-0915 Noted a Radio Drama being presented in English. This continues while the conditions deteriorate and the signal starts to fade to poor.(Chuck Bolland, FL July 16, 2008)

6019.41, Radio Victoria, 0853-0900, Again audible without any interference for a few minutes, heard a male in Spanish language comments which sound religious. This wasn't the usual "weeping preacher". Heard him mention "Iquito" and "Lima" during his oratory.On the hour, QRM from Radio Australia. Otherwise Victoria was at a fair level until then. (Chuck Bolland, July 21, 2008)

6925USB Northwoods Radio. 0134-0202*. 19 July 08. English. A show featuring biting political satire and rhetoric. Several IDs. Nicely done show.Signal fair-good. (J Wood, TN)

6925USB. Radio Jamba International. 0221-0226. 19 July 2008. English. Announcer with hypnosis routine repeated in segments. Several IDs. Fair signal. (J Wood, TN).

6925USB Radio El Loco (tentative). 0234. 19 July 08. I never caught a clear ID on this one. The show consisted of announcers doing comedy with one of them speaking with a Spanish accent. Fair. (J Wood, TN).

5920, Radio Rossii, 0855-0905 Noted a weak signal here of persons in Russian language comments. On the hour, ID given but missed due to mixing with WBOH's signal. After this, Rossii continues with news. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL July 16,2008)

South Korea
6155, KBS World Radio, 0915-1000 Noted a period of comments and features in the Japanese Language from various persons. At 0958 the group gave their goodbyes (Konichi Wah) in Japanese up until 0959. Just before 1000 heard a male say, "KBS World Radio" in English possibly. Wasn't expecting it, so I could be mistaken. Signal steadily improved during the listening period to a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, FL July 21, 2008)