
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Korean bill calls for resumption of broadcasts to North Korea

A human rights bill for North Korea was submitted once again to the 18th National Assembly in South Korea. Grand National Party lawmaker Hwang Woo Yea and 22 others proposed the bill on July 4 before the opening of the Assembly. In the 17th National Assembly, the bill was not even placed on the agenda due to opposition from the former Roh Moo Hyun government and the then ruling Uri Party.
The proposed human rights bill was based on the original bill, and included suggestions from NGOs dedicated to North Korean human rights.
One of the clauses in the bill seeks to resume broadcasts toward North Korea and provide financial support for private organizations that undertake such radio broadcasts.
Rep Hwang anticipated that the bill would probably pass this time as President Lee is aware of the severity of the human rights situation in North Korea.
(Source: Daily NK/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)