
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Wavescan Alphabet DX Contest results

Wavescan Alphabet DX Contest

Adventist World Radio takes pleasure in announcing the results of our recent listener contest in our DX program, "Wavescan". Even though these days "Wavescan" is beamed mostly to listeners in Asia, yet there was a concentration of entries from listeners in Europe, the Americas, the South Pacific, and of course, from many countries in Asia itself.

The "Wavescan" DX contest this year invited listeners to make up a list of the QSLs in their collection that illustrate the 26 letters of the English alphabet, one QSL for each letter. Participants were also invited to provide copies of what they considered to be the best five in their list, and also to submit three reception reports on AWR radio transmissions, as well as three radio oriented cards. The world winner will receive a copy of Jerry Berg's first book, "On the Short Waves", and continental winners will receive a copy of either "Passport to <>World Band Radio" or "World Radio TV Handbook". In addition, curios and souvenirs will also be sent out to many of the entrants in appreciation for their participation.

And here is the information you are waiting for! The world winner for our big "Alphabet DX Contest, 2008" is: Gunter Jacob of Passau in Germany; and thank you, Gunter for your excellent entry. Those of you who have been following our contest results over the years will note that this is now the 3rd occasion in which Gunter has achieved the top honor as world winner in our international DX contest.

The continental winners for the 2008 contest are:

Europe Uwe Volk Lehrte Germany
Asia Takuji Sahara Tokyo Japan
Pacific Hans Kiesinger Maroochydore Queensland Australia
USA Edward Insinger Summit New Jersey
Americas Ashok Kumar Bose Mississauga Ontario Canada

In addition, we have chosen the following four entries for recognition in the new c ategory "Honorable Mention", and they are:-

Christian Ghibaudo Nice France
Jose Jacob Hyderabad India
Patrick Jeffers Cheshire England
Tony Ashar Depok Indonesia

To all you others who entered the contest, we say a big "thank you", and you will receive your awards in due course through the mail system.

Allow us to express appreciation to every one of you, representing many widespread countries around our world, for entering the contest this year. Due to the widespread international interest in this year's contest, Adventist World Radio is giving careful consideration to the possibility of conducting another DX contest next year in our program, "Wavescan".

Dr. Adrian Peterson
DX Editor
Adventist World Radio