
Friday, August 01, 2008

August DX News

The following is a sampling of entrys from August DX News.

All times listed are UTC

Radio Varna heard at 2033 June 29 on 6000, nothing heard following Sunday but heard again July 13 from 2030, programme of non stop local pop music and frequent identifications, at 2100
identification, anthem and news. (Edwin Southwell)

Burkina Faso
RTV Burkina is back on 5030, heard July 7 at 1700 with weak signal, much stronger at 1900 re-tune with French talk and Afropop. (Edwin Southwell)

Radiodiff. Nationale Tchadienne heard on 4905 from 2033 July 22, Afropop and French announcements, sign off 2055. On July 23 noted past 2100. (Edwin Southwell

China Radio International via Albania heard several days in June on 14310 1605-1747, strong signal. (Intruder Watch newsletter via Wolfgang Bueschel)

Congo Dem. Republic
While in Europe 20-29 June I was able to do some listening from the Netherlands and in Luxembourg. 6210, Radio Kahuzi (presumed), 1804 man in what sounded like French, then utility started. Music at 1807 when it ended. Alternating man and woman, instrumental, rock music bridge at 1808 June 20. (Dave Valko, Cumbre DX)

Czech Republic
Radio Prague shortwave transmissions went off the air June 25. This was due to violent storms in the area. Programs resumed June 27. (Edwin Southwell, Mike Barraclough)

Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea heard on 8000 June 24 in vernacular and jammed, close down observed at 0559 and 1659. (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria via Wolfgang Bueschel)

Voice of Oromo Liberation via Wertachtal heard on 13830 1700 sign on July 6, weak signal at start, then a narrow band noise jammer, which tuned to the carrier of the victim signal, turned on the noise jamming, which ranges in effectiveness from 10% to 100% during the first 15 minutes of the transmission. I presume it is Ethiopia jamming the signal. There was 1 minute during which time the noise jammer went off the air and the signal remained weak but readable.Jammer did not seem to drift as much as other days. (Dan Henderson, Maryland, Dxplorer via DX Window)

Faroe Islands
The old 531 Faroe Islands Broadcasting Service transmitter stopped working at the beginning of May. They are now installing two new 50kw transmitters which can be coupled to 100kw. They expect to be back on the air around October 1. (Erik Koie, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window)

Littoral Média has finished its test broadcast in DRM mode on 1593. The test period ran from 21 February to 30 June and a test report is currently being finalised which will provide an in-depth examination of reception for the DRM mediumwave signal in urban, suburban and rural environments. (DRM website)

The Government of India is contemplating blocking signals of Pakistan-and-Muzaffarabad-based radio stations beaming into the Poonch and Rajouri districts of the Indian-held Kashmir. Authorities told reporters that the Indian Ministry of Defence has directed All India Radio to block Pakistani radio waves into the region, Kashmir Media Service reported. "A five member team of top AIR and intelligence officials landed in Poonch and Rajouri last week. They had arrived with the intention of locating nine points near the line of control where they could install towers disrupting the Pakistani radio signals." Rajouri District Development Commissioner Rafiq Sheikh confirmed that the team's visit for inspection. "The team had come to carry out an inspection to install AIR towers along the line of control" Khan said. Experts have said that if the Indian government installs the towers, it would disrupt the signals of BBC, Voice of America and Voice of Germany. (Daily Times via Zacharias Liangas)

Radio Transcontinental de America XERTA heard on 4800 July 26 at 0601-0635, SINPO was 25432. (Manuel Mendez, Spain, Cumbre DX)

Radio Romania International heard on 14250 (2 x 7125) during June. (Intruder Watch via Wolfgang Bueschel)
(Source: Alan Roe/World DX Club-Aug 08)