
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A closer look at South American DX

We may be in the midst of the dog days of summer - which means high static levels and less than perfect radio conditions, but hold on DXers!
South American DX is still rolling in - and there remains plenty to hear. Ice down your favorite beverage and do some shortwave band scanning!
The following loggings represent what hobbyist are hearing recently - so how is the DX from your listening post ?
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC

* sign-on sign-off* // parallel frequency

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2227-2239, Jul 07, Quechua talks to music. SINPO 23342. Noted adjacent utility QRM, but it is usually a clean channel at approximately this time. (Gonçalves). Also good signal in the morning. (Wilkner)

3390.29, Emisoras Camargo, Camargo, 2350-0012, Jul 08/09, Spanish program. (Wilkner)

4409.82, Radio Eco, Reyes (presumed), 0240-0250, Jul 07, Spanish announcement to huaynos music. SINPO 25232. (Petersen)

5952.47, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2200-0230*, Jul 02, 06, 10, 11, 12 and 21, Quechoa excited conversation between two men, Spanish time ann and ID: "Radio Pio XII", ID jingle: "Pio XII", Quechoa religious talk, Bolivian songs, closing announcement mentioning frequency, jingle repeated three times and off. SINPO 33333. (Bolland, Méndez and Petersen)

6055.06, R Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velazco, 2102-2115, Jul 08, Spanish news bulletin with local and national headlines, community news and messages: "Aviso de trabajo...necesitamos...para trabajos en merceria...presentarse en calle....muy cerca de la emisora...", ID: ".....para Radio Juan XXIII....", SINPO 22432 (best reception in LSB mode). (Slaen)

3325, Radio Mundial, São Paulo, SP, 2239-2302, Jul 08, A Voz do Brasil. Middle of part 2, with Senate Report, House of Representatives news, then religious program at 2300, 25332. (Gonçalves)

4754.9, Radio Imaculada Conceiçao, Campo Grande, MS, 2231-2246 and 0512-0532, Jul 11 and 13, religious talks, songs, no Voz do Brasil at 2200, ID: "Radio Imaculada María, a nosa familia,somos unha familia", 25322. (Gonçalves and Méndez)

4805, Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 2206-2235, Jul 06 and 12, Portuguese football comments, QRM via China 4800, 23322. (Méndez). Also heard at 0930-1000, Jul 09 in Brazilian Portuguese, strong signal. (Wilkner)

4865.05, Radio Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul, AC (presumed), 1005-1020, Jul 09, Portuguese news mentioning various place names such as "Brazil" and "São Paulo", could not pull out any ID's however. Signal was poor. (Bolland)

5869.98, R Voz Missionaria, Florianopolis, SC, 2045-2055 and 2145-2205, Jul 08, differentreligious programmes in Portuguese, many ann, ID: "..transmisao da Rádio Voz Missionaria da Florianopolis....", another ann: "....Voz Missionaria ....estamos todos os dias....", SINPO 34433.(Slaen). This new station was also heard in Denmark at 2330-2355, Jul 12, Portuguese religious talk, hymn, occasional CWQRM, SINPO 24332, but not heard on // 11750. (Petersen)

6039.71, Radio Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, PR, 0950-1005, Jul 09, Portuguese information. At 1000 China Radio Int. comes up blocking everything. Brazil was poor while audible. (Bolland)

6080, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2102, Jul 09 Jul, programme "Musical Evangélico", 22441, BCQRM. (Gonçalves)

6135, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 2216-2227, Jul 10 and 12, religiouse talk in Portuguese, A Voz do Brasil, part 1, 33432, adjacent QRM and heterodyne with Bolivia 6134.8. (Gonçalves and Méndez)

6160, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, AM, 1001-1015, Jul 14, Portuguese morning "magazine" style format of announcement. Station time check and Public Service Announcements. Easy-listening Brazilian pops to announcer's music title format between tunes, SIO 434. (Van Horn)

9564.88, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, PR (pres.), 2212, Jun 23, preaching in Portuguese, mainly clear, not very strong. (Valko)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazónia, Parque do Rodeador, near Brasília, DF, 1406-1435 and 2121-2137, Jul 07, 12 and 15, listeners' messages in Portuguese, extensive interview with the head of a regional agricultural agency about herd vaccination, then songs. SINPO 44444 adjacent QRM from Brazil 11784.5. (Gonçalves and Méndez)

11784.5, Radio Guaíba, Porto Alegre, RS, 1419 and 2119-2132, Jul 07 and 13, football reports to commercials and songs. SINPO 34433. (Gonçalves)

11804.6, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1417, Jul 13, football news and referencies to the Santos vs. Botafogo match later in the day. SINPO 24442. (Gonçalves). Also noted at 2136-2154, Jul 12, Portuguese football report. SINPO 23222(Méndez)

11855, R Aparecida, Aparecia, SP, 1413 and 2051-2130, Jul 07, 12 and 13. Program announcement to commericals. "Pé na Estrada" with music and info. Commercials related to parts and oil, advices, hymns. Station ID as, "Radio Aparecida". SINPO 34433 QRM from WYFR in Spanish, // 5035, 6135, 9630. (Gonçalves and Méndez)

5910, Marfil Estéreo, Lomalinda, 2214-0841, Jul 05, 09, 13 and 20, Latin vocals with Spanish announced ID as, "Vd. está escuchando Marfil Estereo", "Marfil Estereo, HKI 79 FM, para todo el departamento de Meta, Ondas de Paz", "esta sintonizando Marfil Estereo", religious programm. SINPO 34333. (D'Angelo, Gonçalves, Méndez, Otávio and Petersen)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda (tentative), 0811-0840, Jul 15, Spanish religious talk with soft easy listening religious music, choir vocals, possible ID, poor. (D'Angelo). "Pray that we will be able to get our most important radio station (The Voice of Your Conscience on 6010 short wave) back on the air. After many years of faithful service all three of the expensive 5000 watt tubes in the transmitter came to the end of their service life and burned out. The bill to fix the transmitter will be ten thousand US." (Russell and Marina Stendal, "Colombia Para Cristo" Newsletter, via DXplorer)

6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San José del Guaviare, 2226-2259, Jul 11 and 12, Spanish ann, salsa music program. SINPO 35433. (Gonçalves and Méndez). Also heard at 1124-1130, Jul 07. Station ID and commericals to talk. SIgnal fair but on the decline. (Wilkins in DXplorer)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0950, Jul 09, subdued conversational Spanish, good signal. (Wilkner)

4814.9, Radio El Buen Pastor, Loma de Carbocillo, 1000, a regular with strong signal. (Wilkner)

4909.32, Radio Chaskis, Otavalo, 0906-0922, Jul 17, Spanish ann, nice mix of Quichua ballads with ID ann between selections, all different, fair, clear signal- the best I have ever logged Chaskis with here. (Barbour in DXplorer)

3329.53, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 2357-0010, Jul 08/09, talk over music. (Wilkner)

4746.84, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, Ayacucho, 1120 seems to sign on late. (Wilkner)

4774.98, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0329-0342, Jul 11, short ann in Spanish alternating romantic Spanish selections, slogan "Radio Tarma, la primeirisima", ID, good SINPO 33433. (Otávio). Also heard at 1019-1030, Jul 14, Spanish talk, but very weak. (Bolland)

4790.08, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0225-0620, Jul 03, 04, 13 and 19, Spanish preaching and shouting, hymn, "Escuchan el programa La Voz de la Salvación", "Bienvenidos a La Voz de la Salvación, Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha", CODAR QRM, SINPO 33333. (Méndez and Petersen)
4824.49, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos signed on after 1100, Jul 09. (Wilkner). Also heard at 2231-2241, Jul 08, talks in Spanish presumably, SINPO 12341, QRM from Brazil 4825. (Gonçalves)

4826.51, Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, 2222-0212*, Jul 09, 10 and 14, Spanish talk, local and sports news programme "La Federacion Peruana...", huaynos, SINPO 23332 QRM from Zimbabwe and CODAR. (Otávio, Petersen and Wilkner).

4835.6, Radio Marañon, Jaén, 2246-0013, Jul 08, 09 and 10, return noted after several weeks off the air, Spanish talks alternating local pop music, 23322. (Gonçalves, Otávio and Wilkner). Strongest Peruvian at 1000-1130, Jul 09 and 14, Spanish energetic programming with shouted ann by man and woman, 1032 simply "Radio Marañon" ID shouted in midst of flute and drum solo. (Bolland and Wilkner). Cf. DX Window 354. (Ed)

4940, Radio San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, 2217-2228, 07 Jul, Spanish. Music of SINPO 5231. (Gonçalves). Be aware of Venezuela. (Ed)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2205-2310, Jul 06, 07, 12 and 18, Quechua and Spanish religious talks and about education, instrumental violin music, SINPO 35342. (Gonçalves, Méndez, Otávio and Petersen)

4974.8, Radio del Pacífico, Lima, 0548-0603, Jul 07. Hymns in Spanish to religious talk. SINPO 25322. (Méndez)

4991, Radio Manantial (t), Chilca, 2226-2235, Jul 07, Indian songs. SINPO 15241. (Gonçalves)

5014.37, Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 2240-2254 and 0243-0458, Jun 27, Jul 10 and 11, Spanish advs, e.g. about medical clinic of acunpucture (La Milionaria, especialista en medicina biologica China), local pop selections alternating talks, 0458 "Happy Birthday", SINPO 35242. (Gonçalves, Otávio and Valko)

5025, Radio Quillabamba, Quillabamba, 2235-2248, Jul 14. Messages in Spanish and Quechua. Local events and necrologic announced program. Station ad about medical clinic center and shoes store " tudo a precio del fabrica...", 33433. (Otávio)

5039.21, R Libertad, Junin, 1102-1120, Jul 13, "..en action Radio Libertad ... nueva voz...". (Wilkner)

6019.42, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0542-0900, Jun 27, Jul 05, 15 and 21, religious programmes in Spanish: "Acuda a nuestra sede en Avenida Arica 248, Distrito de Breña, cierre de la campaña el poder del Espíritu Santo", "Siga escuchando La Voz de la Liberación de la Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha, una de la madrugada con 19 minutos", 34433. (Bolland, Méndez and Valko)

6047.22, Radio Santa Rosa, Lima (t), 2340-2350, Jul 12, Spanish talk, SINPO 13221. (Petersen)

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 2235-0034, Jul 14 and 17, Spanish religious program to canned ID,SINPO 25433 parallel to 6019.42. (D'Angelo and Gonçalves)

4939.70 - 4939.96v, Radio Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, 2215-0310, Jul 10, 11, 15 and 19Spanish announcement to romantic music and talk - very distorted signal, best to monitor in USB. No doubt it was Radio Amazonas. SINPO 25332. (Otávio, Petersen and Wilkner)
(Source: Source: DX Window # 355 via Ander Petersen/DSWC Intl)