
Saturday, August 09, 2008

Hot Spot DXing: Georgia-Russia Conflict

New Russian Air Strikes, Raids in Georgian Towns GORI, Georgia — Russia sent hundreds of tanks and troops into the separatist province of South Ossetia and bombed Georgian towns Saturday in a major escalation of the conflict that has left scores of civilians dead and wounded.

Georgia, a staunch U.S. ally, launched a major offensive Friday to retake control of breakaway South Ossetia. Russia, which has close ties to the province and posts peacekeepers there, responded by sending in armed convoys and military combat aircraft. Continued story at Fox News:,2933,400841,00.html

Russian jets attack Georgian town
Russian jets have carried out strikes on military targets in the central Georgian town of Gori,close to the breakaway region of South Ossetia.Georgian officials say 60 people were killed when bombs hit two blocks of flats in the town.The Georgian parliament has meanwhile approved a presidential decree declaring a state of war for 15 days.Earlier, Russia said it had "liberated" South Ossetia's capital Tskhinvali, but Georgia said it remained in control. Additional story and video at BBC News

Russia vows to defend S Ossetia
Russia will intervene if conflict erupts in the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia,a senior Russian diplomat has warned. Continued story and video at BBC News:

No quick fix to S Ossetia conflict
The dog days of August are generally a quiet time in the world's foreign ministries and newsrooms - a time when second-string officials hold the fort while their senior colleagues sun themselves on vacation. Continued story and video at BBC News:

Georgia calls for cease fire in S Ossetia

Russian troops raid Georgian town; scores dead

Georgian Public Broadcasting website in English available online
The Georgian view of the military conflict with Russia is reflected on the English-language website of Georgian Public Broadcasting. The site does take rather a long time to load (probably due to heavy traffic) so please be patient. For the Russian view of events, the website and broadcasts of Voice of Russia are available.
(Source: R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

Russia, Voice of Russia - A08 English schedule
Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008

All times UTC
Broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated

0300-0400 15735 15735 Komsomol'sk-na-A 250 Asia DRM mode
0400-0500 15735 15735 Komsomol'sk-na-A 250 Asia DRM mode
0700-0800 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
0800-0900 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1400-1500 15660 15660 Moscow 250 Asia
1400-1500 11755 11755 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1400-1500 9745 9745 Chita 500 Asia
1400-1500 7330 7330 Ussurijsk 500 Asia
1400-1500 6045 6045 Vladivostok 250 Asia
1400-1500 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1500-1600 9625 9625 Novosibirsk 500 Asia
1500-1600 9660 9660 Xian-CHN 150 Asia
1500-1600 4965 4965 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1530-1600 972 972 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia
1600-1700 12055 12055 Samara 250 Asia
1600-1700 12120 12120 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Asia
1600-1700 9405 9405 Irkutsk 250 Asia
1600-1700 6070 6070 Novosibirsk 100 Asia
1600-1700 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 600 Asia
1700-1800 9850 9850 Chita 500 Asia
1700-1800 9405 9405 Irkutsk 250 Asia
1700-1800 1269 1269 Yunnan?-CHN 600 Asia
1700-1800 1251 1251 Dushanbe-TJK 500 Asia

0500-0600 21790 21790 Irkutsk 250 AUS/NZL
0500-0600 17635 17635 Komsomol'sk-na-A 250 AUS/NZL
0600-0700 21790 21790 Irkutsk 250 AUS/NZL
0600-0700 17635 17635 Komsomol'sk-na-A 250 AUS/NZL
0700-0800 21790 21790 Irkutsk 250 AUS/NZL
0700-0800 17635 17635 Komsomol'sk-na-A 250 AUS/NZL
0700-0800 17495 17495 Dushanbe-TJK 500 AUS/NZL
0800-0900 21790 21790 Irkutsk 250 AUS/NZL
0800-0900 17635 17635 Komsomol'sk-na-A 250 AUS/NZL
0800-0900 17495 17495 Dushanbe-TJK 500 AUS/NZL

1600-1700 13855 13855 Moscow 250 Africa
1600-1700 11985 11985 Moscow 500 Africa
1700-1800 13855 13855 Moscow 250 Africa
1700-1800 11510 11510 Chita 500 Africa
1700-1800 9850 9850 Dushanbe-TJK 100 Africa
1800-1900 11510 11510 Yerevan-ARM 1000 Africa
1800-1900 9850 9850 Chita 500 Africa
1800-1900 9745 9745 Chita 500 Africa

0100-0200 15425 15425 Petropavlovsk-Ka 250 North America
0100-0200 13775 13775 Vladivostok 250 North America
0100-0200 9665 9665 Chisinau-MDA 500 North America
0100-0200 7250 7250 Yerevan-ARM 1000 North America
0200-0300 15425 15425 Petropavlovsk-Ka 250 North America
0200-0300 13775 13775 Vladivostok 250 North America
0200-0300 9860 9860 Vatican State 250 North America
0200-0300 9665 9665 Chisinau-MDA 500 North America
0200-0300 9480 9480 Wertachtal (Germ 250 North America
0300-0400 13635 13635 Petropavlovsk-Ka 250 North America
0300-0400 13775 13775 Vladivostok 250 North America
0300-0400 12065 12065 Komsomol'sk-na-A 250 North America
0300-0400 9860 9860 Vatican State 250 North America
0300-0400 9800 - Krasnodar 500 North America till 31.07.08
0300-0400 5900 5900 Krasnodar 500 North America from 01.08.08
0300-0400 9665 9665 Chisinau-MDA 500 North America
0300-0400 9480 9480 Wertachtal (Germ 250 North America
0300-0400 9435 9435 Petropavlovsk-Ka 250 North America
0400-0500 13635 13635 Petropavlovsk-Ka 250 North America
0400-0500 13775 13775 Vladivostok 250 North America
0400-0500 9860 9860 Vatican State 250 North America
0400-0500 9800 - Krasnodar 500 NoAM till 31.07.08
0400-0500 5900 5900 Krasnodar 500 NoAM from 01.08.08
0400-0500 9665 9665 Chisinau-MDA 500 North America
0400-0500 9435 9435 Petropavlovsk-Ka 250 North America
Last update: 15.04.2008
Vadim Alexeew,
VoR Russian world service
DX programme editor
(Apr 20, via Michael Bethge-D wwdxc BC-DX TopNews;
location updated and compressed by wb)
(Source: wb, Germany)

New summer A-08 schedule for Voice of Russia in Turkish:
1400-1500 on 7325 ARM 100 kW / 190 deg
11985 SRP 500 kW / 185 deg
13855 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg
1500-1600 on 7325 ARM 100 kW / 190 deg
11635 S.P 200 kW / 145 deg
13870 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX Apr 22)

VOA Doubles Broadcasting into Republic of Georgia
Includes reports from inside the country
Washington, D.C., August 8, 2008 – The Voice of America (VOA) is doubling its Georgian language broadcasts in the wake of fighting between Georgia and Russia in the breakaway province of South Ossetia.
VOA's Geogian Service will produce a 60-minute program daily, up from 30 minutes, with news, information, interviews, analysis and reaction to the crisis in the former Soviet Republic. News is also available on the Internet at .
"We want to make sure Georgians are fully informed about what's happening in their country," said Steve Redisch, VOA's Executive Editor. The Georgian broadcasts are carried nationwide on a FM network as well as on shortwave frequencies 11945 and 15460 from 1530 to 1600 UTC, and on 11965 and 15460 from 1600 to 1630 UTC.
Reporters and stringers on the ground are providing VOA with reports from inside the country, which is slightly smaller than the state of South Carolina and has about 4.6 million people.
The crisis began when Georgian troops launched a military strike on the province of South Ossetia early Friday, seeking to end the region's bid for autonomy. In response, Russian troops entered the border province.
(Voice of America)

Additional information on Georgia military from Milcom Monitoring Post -Hot Spot DXing: Conflict in Georgia