
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Logs - Asia

All times UTC

Andaman & Nicobar Island
4760, All India Radio-Port Blair, 1407-1441, Sept 18, in vernacular, various music (pop Western-style song, jazz and mostly subcontinent music and songs), poor-fair, signal improving till about 1430, after which noticed weak QRM (possibly R. Kashmir/AIR Leh?) (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)

11784.84v, Voice of Indonesia, 1320-1340, Sept 22. In English, talking about their Constitution in "Today's Focus", "Indonesian Wonders" and "Music Corner", mostly fair with weak QRM from assume VOA in Chinese, no Firedrake heard, but suspect it was not heard due to poor propagation (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)

4775, All India Radio-Imphal (I should have indicated I presumed this to be them), 1239-1302, Sept 22. Inn vernacular, music program (songs in vernacular that seemed to be a cross between C&W songs and Christian hymns, somewhat strange music for AIR), fair-poor, CODAR QRM; 1320-1401, Sept 23, in vernacular, interview, into a radio drama/soap opera, some subcontinent music. No ID heard but there seemed to be various vernacular languages used that sounded right for India, plus the subcontinent music they occasionally play. Dan Sheedy also heard the same Sept 22 music program and he also did not hear an ID. Needs more work for that positive ID (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)

3945, All India Radio, 0046-0100 Noted a male singing a Islamic type tune. Don't know if it's religious - probably is? Signal off by 0100. (Chuck Bolland, September 21, 2008)

4775, AIR Imphal, 1328+1404+1437, Sept 18, seems they may still be tweaking their transmitter, as it was off the air today, after being back on for the past two days (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)

3985, Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 0104-0115, Steady calling to prayer type chanting from a male. Signal is at a good level even with some QRM. (Chuck Bolland, September 21, 2008)

7295, Traxx FM via RTM, 1440-1505, Sept 23, in English. Recorded greetings from listeners overseas (from Indonesia, Australia, etc.) with good wishes for Ramadan for the people of Malaysia and the listeners of Traxx FM, several singing "Traxx FM" jingles, music program "In the Lime Light" with DJ Shaz, use their new slogan many times "Travel N' Music", ToH: 11 PM news roundup from Kuala Lumpra, good reception. This station still plays a lot of pop songs, but their "new approach aims to provide its listeners with better knowledge of Malaysia through informative and interactive banters". I sent the DJ an email with an attached audio clip of his program. Received a response in 3 hours from "Shaz" ( ), the DJ for the "In the Lime Light" program: "It was great to receive your very encouraging e-mail. I actually didn't know Traxx fm could over spill all the way to the states. There are cases of people sending us letters from overseas telling us they like our shows but I always assumed it was via our on-line streaming. Thank you very much for actually sending me an e-mail. I really appreciate the effort. All I can say is keep on listening to Traxx. Take care and keep in touch. Warm Regards, Shaz" (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)