
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blog Logs - Bolivia

From the current DX Window, Anker Petersen reports,

"In Bolivia, the longtime conflict between the rebellious lowlanders and the Indians in the High Andes with their present President Evo Morales has been ablazed with a massacre in the northernmost Pando Departement and some destroyed oil- and gas pipelines in the Santa Cruz Department. The President has declared State of Emergency in the Pando Department. He is supported by all other South American Presidents. It will be interesting to follow the broadcasts from the two groups with the lowland Departments of Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando versus the other Departments. "

Bolivians monitorined on shortwave;

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sing-on sign-off*

3309.94, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, Dept. Cochabamba, 0930 very weak but much stronger by 1030. Traditional music, a regular every day. (Wilkner)

4111, Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, Dept. Potosi, 2258-2304, Sep 10, Spanish talks, instrumental music, mentioning "R Virgen de Remedios", "...transmitimos la missa que se transmite de la iglesia de la Candelaria...", 2300 bells ringing. SINPO 23222. (Otávio)

4409.7, Radio Eco, Reyes, Dept. Beni, 2340-2400, Sep 11, weak signal. (Wilkner)

4555, Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, Dept. Potosi, 2250-2300, on this frequency Sep 07, religious talks in Spanish, talk about music, 2256 pop music, 2259 ID: "...transmitimos la missa que se transmite de la iglesia de la Candelaria...", 2300 bells ringing. SINPO 23433. Back on 4111 Sep 10. (Otávio)

4699.37, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, Dept. Beni (p), 0135-0150, Sep 13, Spanish talk, huayno. SINPO 25232. (Petersen)

4781.46, Radio Tacana, Tumupasa, Dept. La Paz, is a regular in the morning with no transmitter drift. It fades out by 1045-1100 with 4699 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta,

4716 Radio Yura, 4796 R Mallku,Uyuni, 5952 R Pío XII Siglo XX and 5996 R Loyola, Sucre.(Wilkner)

4865, Radio Logos, Santa Cruz, Dept. Santa Cruz, 2224, Sep 13, Spanish religious talks "Jesus es la imagem del Dios", musical bridges, talks about music, 2230 ann "noticiero" with only ecumenical content news "crescimento de las iglesias no registradas". SINPO 23322. (Otávio)

5580.23, Radio San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, Dept. Santa Cruz, 2350-0010, Sep 10 and 11, music, covered by RTTY utility Sep 10. (Wilkner)

5952.50, Emisoras Pio XII, Siglo XX, Dept. Potosi, 0201-0215, Sep 06, Spanish comments and music, sporadic QRM, fading. (Bolland)

5996.27, Radio Loyola, Sucre, Dept. Chuquisaca, 1032-1040, Sep 06, romantic songs selection, Spanish ann, ID and time check. SINPO 24332. (Slaen)

6025, Red Patria Nueva, La Paz, Dept. La Paz, 1050-1055, Sep 06, Aymara news programme, report from El Alto. SINPO 24422. (Slaen)

6075, Radio Causaki Coca (or R Casachun Coca which means "Viva la Coca"), Dept. Cochabamba, *1000-1200 and 0100-0230*, Sep 09, 13, 14 and 15, new station broadcasting in Aymara and Spanish, belonging to the Patria Nueva network (Government). "Llevando informacion sobre la situacion social que se presenta en algunas regiones luego del Estado de sitio declarado en la region de Pando". Telephonic interviews with leaders in various regions of Bolivia, mentioned "Red Patria Nueva y la Red de radios de los pueblos originarios . . ". Also mentioned "Radioemisoras Bolivia", Andean songs and reports from Oruro, announced as, "....pueblos indigenas del mundo ....campesinos de Bolivia....".

In the evening a special transmission of the anniversary of Cochabamba live from the Municipal Council with the participation of President Evo Morales, a female voice said: "..estás en compañía de Radio Causaki Coca...". From 0200 normal programming and ID: "...Transmite Radio Causaki Coca con instalaciones en lau - - federación de productores de coca del trópico de Cochabamba, emite su señal en 95.7 frecuencia modulada, 740 amplitud modulada y muy pronto en 6075 kHz onda corta banda de 49 metros señal internacional. ..". The locutor (announcer) continued with press releases from several unions and promo for a program about the truth of Conalde and Crescent (autonome organizations) that have caused riots and deaths in Pando. Before the close at 0230*, was played a poem in honour of the "sacred leaf of Tawantisuyo". In closing are referred to as "the voice" of the Democratic Revolution Cultural Evo Morales, 24422. (Bolland, Cássio, Otávio, Rodriguez via Monferini and Conexion Digital, Slaen). 740 MW is also a new frequency. (Ed)

6080, Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, Dept. La Paz, 2330-0002, Sep 01/02 and 13, basically religious talks in Spanish and Aymara, many mentions of "Bolivia", "pueblo Boliviano" at 2352 mentioned "Radio San Gabriel", Aymara talks. Sometimes shortly blocked by R Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR (heard presumed "Curitiba" mentioned), . Signal fading. SINPO 22422. (Otávio and Slaen)

6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Dept. Santa Cruz, 2343-2359, Sep 05, 11 and 12, music, a canned ID, "...Santa Cruz ... en Bolivia", live Spanish comments between friends, programa del Instituto Radiofónico Fé y Alegría. On the hour, Cuba comes on the air on 6140 splattering over Bolivia and blocking out the signal. Before before Cuba came up, Bolivia was good. (Bolland and Hauser). Also heard at 0930-1035, Sep 10, Spanish comments, local music. Lots of mixing with Brazil station on 6135. Best heard using AM ECSS. But there is not escape from the terrible noise on the bands presumed from the hurricane Ike being nearby. Signal was armchair on Sep 14. (Bolland)

6155, Radio Fides, La Paz, Dept. La Paz, 0352-0359, Sep 07, Spanish talk, ID 0358: "Radio Fides, onda corta, banda internacional de 49 metros..., Frecuencia Modulada...". SINPO 24322. At *0359 Austria drowned R Fides completely. (Méndez)
(Source: DSWCI/DX Window # 359 via Anker Petersen, Denmark)