
Monday, September 15, 2008

A closer look at broadcasting from Russian DX League

The following logs are a sampling from the current newsletter of the Russian DX League.

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

9950 at 1431-, Golos Pravoslavya Aug 29. Phone quality programming, back again on a Friday with ID in Russian after some church bells briefly. Into their usual religious programming. Very good reception otherwise.(Walt Salmaniw-BC-CAN, DXplorer Aug 30) Tue/Fri operation. (wb)

6055 Radio KBC (Netherlands) relay 2132 UT. Bewildering, almost indescribable melange of DJ shouting (mostly in American English, at least once in UK English, several times in Dutch), endless jingle IDs, mention of Radio Caroline and what sounded like Radio Atlantic, snippets of generic rock music, high-tech sound effects a classic dog's breakfast.

Nearly impossible to get more than a word or two here and there because the signal was so incredibly choppy. Did manage to catch "we are the mighty KBC" at 2152 and "All over Europe ... the might KBC" at 2202, when I finally tuned out, suffering from severe audio fatigue. Sked is *2130- 2230* per EiBi.(Bob Hill-MA-USA, DXplorer Aug 30)

9770 new (x11670) from July 21. IRIB via Sitkuna, Lithuania in Italian, 0630-0727 UT, S=9+20dB, Holy Quran prayer, \\ direct 13770 and 15085 kHz.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 31)

12135, PMR Pridnestrovye 1615-1630. English commentary about various war heros from Moldova and Ukraine. At 1627 began sign-on announcements with ID and address for PMR in Moldova.(Bruce Barker, PA/HCDX)

6040, Radio PMR 09/02 2215-2230 Gangbusters signal in English. Program on independence
proclamation on Sep. 2nd 1990. At sign-off gave address in Moldova instead of Pridnestrovye, the self-declared independent region in southeastern Moldova.Some kind of agreement with Moldovan govt? (Bruce Barker, PA/HCDX)

Petropavlovsk, Voice of Russia 9435 0352 English 333 Sept 2. Choir music plus comments on
Jesus. Choir Male music 0354 In the Spiritual program. Announcer with an ID 0358. Bell interval signal at 0359. Announcer with "this is Moscow" at 0400. Newscast with News Items on Georgia. //9665 [SIO 444] Moldova. (Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

5940, Radio Rossii, 0905-0930 Noted a program of Russian music and comments by various persons. Signal getting mixed with splatter here and difficult to copy details, but at a fair level it's better than usual. (Chuck Bolland, FL August 31, 2008)

7200 Radio Sakha Aug 25 0810-0821 SINPO 45433 Yakut, ID at 0810, News, Local program //7345kHz. (Kouji Hashimoto, Japan)

4635, Tajik Radio(tent.) Dushanbe-Yangiyul. September-04 Tajik(sch) 2339 OM talks between short music, 2336-2343 Arabic type music. Sounded like an All India Radio station, SINPO (Lucio Bobrowiec, Brazil/HCDX)

4635.05 Tajik Radio Aug 13 1355-1406 SINPO 35343 Tajik, Talk and music, ID at 1400. (Kouji Hashimoto, Japan)

4635.05 Tajik Radio Aug 26 1343-1401 SINPO 35343 Tajik, Talk and music, ID at 1357. (Kouji Hashimoto, Japan)
Radio Ukraine Intl, 7440 0250 Ukrainian SIO 322 Aug 29. Male/female with comments.(Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

7440, 0015-0100 Radio Ukraine International. Excelent signal. Tuned in to Famous Ukrainians, followed by Closeup program which ended at 0057. Sign-off announcements giving frequency, address, e-mail, etc. (Bruce Barker, PA/HCDX)
(Source: RUS-DX # 182/Anatoly Klepov/playdx 2003)