
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Micro DXpedition Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency

Decided to try a Micro DXpedition last evening even though I wasn't expecting condtions to be very favorable. Turned out it wasn't too bad for Latin America. Unfortunately it was quite noisy. Used an Eton E1 and 315 foot BOG at 180 degrees. Here is what was heard.

4750 Radio Bangladesh Shocked to hear the usual interval signal at 2359. Possible male announcer at 0000 to musical bridge. Very weak amid QRM but definitely there. It was actually a poor subcontinental evening. (29-30 August)

3390.15 Radio Emis. Camargo (very tent.) Definite signal here at 2348 and what certainly sounded like music. Still in at 0004. Even the sync locked on it. Will take an exception Bolivian opening to log this. (29-30 August)

9685.3 Radio Gazeta (tentative) Mainly just a carrier here at 2220. There may have been a little audio but hard to tell. QRM from 9680. (29 August)

9645.23 Radio Bandierantes 2226 tlk by 2 men in PT. Some laughing. Mentions of Sao Paulo, Radio Bras, bon dia. Took phone callers. Time ticks on 2200 to promo, then nice full canned ID with freqs by announcer. Could just barely here the //6090 under Anguilla. (29 August)

6134.95 Radio Aparecida 2235 (presumed) Voz do Brasi. Program with talk by male/female in Portuguese. Simple Aparecida ID promo at 2304. Time ticks at 2305, and station ID. Good and strong at first but Santa Cruz QRM below gradually getting worse. //much weaker 9629.95. (29 August)

5980.55 Radio Guaruja Nice signal and clear at 2239 w/Voz do Brasil. Male/female duo, // to others carrying Voz do Brasil. 2249 ad block. Seemed like own news after 2256, then full canned ID at 2259. (29 August)

6105 Radio Cancao Nova 2252 w/Voz do Brasil. Program // to others including own 9675. (29 August)

6000 Radio Guaiba (presumed) Talk by announcer in definite Portuguese at 2309 with actuality, so probably a news program. Just too weak and too much slop QRM. (29August)

4857.41 Radio La Hora (presumed) 2315 Male announcer sounding like Spanish with what appeared to be a remote. Talk by male/female at 2339 with bird SFX briefly. Still going at 2352 w/M in SP and long live remote. Still going and QRMed at 0002 check, but gone when I checked at 0008. Noisy on the tropical bands. (29-30 August)

5486.6 Radio Reina de la Selva (presumed) 2332 strong signal but almost no modulation. Was able to hear male talking in Spanish though. Would be easy if it was modulated at 100%. Gone by 2352 check. (29 August)

5470.68 Radio San Nicolas (presumed) 2334 Definite Latin American pop music with drums prominent. Short canned echo announcement at 0022 check. (29-30 August) 5460.46 Radio Bolivar 2335 Also in here with music, just a bit weaker than San Nicolas. Still playing some lively Latin American pops at 0009 check. Announcers at 0012 with long announcement, then what seemed like deadair. (29-30 August)

4835.4 Radio Maranon Nice ID while tuning through at 0028. Strong. (30 August)

4990 Radio Apintie (presumed) Long talk by male announcer in Sranan Tonga at 2323. Drums at 2326, With briefly, sounded like an ID over Pop music at 2327. Male/female at 2329. (29 August)

4975.96 Radio Uganda Apparently still on with music at 2247. QRM from 4974.77 ZY. (29 August)
(Source: Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)