
Friday, September 12, 2008

Special programming on Voice of Turkey

Dear friends,

Please listen to and report this special program on the Voice of Turkey from our EDXC Conference in Vaasa.
Anker Petersen

Dear DX Friends all over the World !

Dr. U f u k G e c i m from the Voice of Turkey, and will transmit a special program about the EDXC Conference 2008 Invaasa, Finland. Dr. Ufugecim is the Chief of the German section, and the program will be in German.

Transmission Data:
Saturday, September 13, 2008
12:30 - 133:30 UTC on 17, 700 kHz and 18:30 - 19;30 UTC 0n 7205 kHz

Please listen to this on Saturday !!! And please do send listeners reports !!!
Thank You !
Best 73
T i b o r S z i l a g y i
EDXC Secretary General
(Source: Anker Petersen, Denmark)