
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel fequency *sign-on sign-off*

11710.67v, RAE, 0118-0138, Oct 15. Japanese, played some nice tango music, several "R-A-E" IDs spelled out and one "RAE Buenos Aires" ID. Time tips 0130 (2+1 pips), mostly fair. Seemed to have a slight drift. I listened to this as the sun was going down over the Pacific Ocean (R. Howard, CA)

2325 ABC Northern Territory Service (Tennant Creek), 1202-1220, 10/8/2008, English. Pop instrumental music with announcements by man or woman at approximately three minute intervals. Poor signal (SINPO 24222), above the noise most of the time. Parallels noted on 2310 (Alice Springs, weaker signal) and 2485 (Katherine, much weaker signal, barely audible). My first log of these stations. (J. Evans, TN)

6075, Radio Causauki Coca, (presumed)1008-1015. Very noisy this morning, but noted a male in Spanish language comments here until 1015 when the noise over powers the signal. Perhaps an earlier logging would have produced better results? (C. Bolland, FL October 16, 2008)

5952.51, Emisoras Pio XII, 0145-0235. Turning in a good report on this station. Initially noted two males in conversation using the Spanish language. At 0152, probably just for a break, music is presented. After one tune, the comments continue. On the hour, an ID by a female. Caught a couple of words such as "Bolivia & Americani" then back to more talk. Signal began to fail from a good at 0145 to a poor by 0215. Checked back at 0234 and station was still hanging in there with a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, October 16, 2008)

6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 0220-0230. At tune in, noted a female in Spanish language comments. It turns out that she is talking with a second woman and this is a telephone conversation. So we're listening to, it seems, a telephone call in program. Signal was fair. (C. Bolland, FL October 16, 2008)

6160, CKZU/CBC Radio One (presumed) via Vancouver/Richmond, 0235-0247, Oct 15. Live election coverage results, fair. Recently I have heard CKZN (Newfoundland) under Vancouver, but not tonight (R. Howard, CA)

5050 Guangxi PBS 1159. Soft Chinese instrumental music. Slow instrumental signature melody at 1200 by two lady announcers to presumed news. Good signal this morning but already fading at this time. Was noted as early as 1050. (D. Valko, PA/Cumbre DX 12 Oct.)

6035 Yunnan PBS (presumed). Finally in the clear at 1201 after huge signal on 6040 went off. Talk in Asian language by lady announcer. Sounded like Chinese, male joined in shortly after. Music at 1207. More talk by announcers going towards 1230. There appeared to be another station underneath. Dare I mention Bhutan??!! (D Valko, PA/Cumbre DX (12 Oct.)

3912 Voice of the People (Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea) (presumed), 1118-1135, 10/13/2008. Korean music followed at 1125 by talk by man in Korean. Poor signal with little amateur radio interference (SINPO 23222). Signal degraded over time and was gone by 1135.Parallel noted on 6518 occasionally peaking above noise level. Nothing heard on other llisted parallel (6600). (J. Evans, TN)

4895 All India Radio-Kurseong (presumed) 1142 end of pleasant local male vocal song to male/female announcers briefly in Indian languagw, then into more Arabic-sounding song but the audio level of the song was much too low and never did come back up. Decent strength. (D. Valko, PA/Cumbre DX (12 Oct.)

7235, Voice of Justice, 0303-0315. A program of English with news and commentary about Iran and the USA. "This is the Voice of Justice, live from Iran. It is now time for US foreign policy." Female gives opinions and comments on US policy. Signal was good.(C. Bolland, FL October 16, 2008)

6070 ELWA. Sounded like an English religious program by host from 2050. Some music, mentions of Liberia at 2100 and possible address during brief announcement. Music bridge, then different male with station ID to more vocalmusic. Into US religious program with host and religious music. Another locally produced program at 2133 with mentions of "from Liberia." Still going at 2214.Kind of weak with some QRM. Thanks Brian Alexander tip. (D. Valko, PA/Cumbre DX (11 Oct.)

6925USB. Balls to the Wall Radio. 2308-2330*. 13 Oct 08. English. First log of this station. Good show featuring music by ZZ Top, Golden Earring,Foghat, and others. Several ID.s Some fading and static. Also, QRM from Spanish speaking stations with yells and whistles. Lost signal at 2330 after announcer gave test count. No sign-off announcement or address copied. Fair. (J. Wood, TN).

Sao Tome
6080, Voice of America, 0217-0220. Heard the Wednesday debate between the two candidates. This broadcast was a second or two behind the TV broadcast. Shortwave signal could have been better since it was being covered with some noise. (C. Bolland, FL October 16, 2008

7260 Radio Vanuatu (tentative). Talk by male announcer at 1010 start. Soft music, almost LA-sounding ballad at 1015. Male announcer at 1017. Brief music bridge, then feature with the announcer interview and a south Pacific-sounding language. Studio male nnouncer returned at 1029. Talk by different announcer at 1030. Vietnamese after 1100 maybe VOA Thailand?? (D Valko, PA/Cumbre DX (10 Oct.)

6165, ZNBC/Radio 2, 0248-0256, Oct 15. Clear Fish Eagle interval signal to instrumental anthem. African high-life music and songs, lost to strong QRM at 0256. Not often that they hold up this well to the QRM (R. Howard, CA)

4828, Radio Zimbabwe (presumed), 0150-0204, Oct 15. Non-stop African high-life music and songs, mostly fair, at times almost good.Have recently checked this again for an ID, but seems they continue to be without any. So far this season not a whisper from 3396 (R. Howard, CA)

Chuck Bolland, FL
Jim Evans, TN
Ron Howard, CA
Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX
Joe Wood, TN