
Friday, October 24, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC - // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*]

4949.71, Radio Nacional (presumed), 0239-0249, Oct 18. First time heard this DX season, in Portuguese, African high-life music and songs, fair-poor (R. Howard, CA)

6035, BBS, 1428-1438*, Oct 22, in English. Very pleasant young woman announcer with call-in show, mostly young girls calling in, pop music, mixing with PBS Yunnan (in Vietnamese). After BBS went off Yunnan had fair reception. Re-checked at 1456 but BBS had not returned (Ron Howard, CA)

6035, BBS, 1404-1416*, Oct 21, in English. A very nice surprise today to actually hear them with some decent modulation/audio, unfortunately PBS Yunnan (in Vietnamese) was about equal strength and mixing with BBS, clearly heard some of the news and one ID for "Bhutan Broadcasting Service" at the end of the news, 1416 the audio ended before they started their announcements. This is encouraging that their audio was better than it has been for the past month, if not for the China QRM it probably would have been fair reception (R. Howard, CA)

6155.30, Radio Fides, 0912-0930. Male with steady Spanish language comments. Heard the place name "Santa Cruz" often. Following the initial comments, the rest of the Spanish comments seemed to be political. Others join the commotion including a couple of females as the comments continued. Signal did not improve enough for ID, but remained poor. (C. Bolland, FL October 21, 2008)

5996.28,Radio Loyola,0125-0135. At tune in, noted a live scoccer game. Checked 6155.30 and they both sounded in parallel; so my doubts about 6155.30 are eliminated and 6155.30 is Bolivia. Here on 5996.28, signal was fair to poor. (Chuck Bolland,
FL October 23, 2008)

5952.54, Emisoras Pio XII, 0135-0145. Female/male in Spanish language conversation. There's a lot of splatter on this signal, but it's still at a fair level as the talk continues. However, station gone by 0150. But carrier still on the air. (Chuck Bolland, FL October 23, 2008)

6134.35, Radio Santa Cruz, 0927-0935 Noted a male in Spanish language news. Checked this just to make sure the above logging on 6155.30 wasn't actually this station Santa Cruz, and it wasn't. "5 en manana y 28 minutos". This was follow with music. Very good signal this morning. (C. Bolland, FL October 21, 2008)

4716.73, Radio Yura, 0151-0200. With music at tune in for a minute,then a female in Spanish Language comments. After a minute, music continues. Signal very good at this time. Best I have heard in a longtime.Conditions are excellent this evening. At 0202 female returns and gives ID as, "... Radio Yura...", then back to music. (Chuck Bolland, October 23, 2008)

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0206-0215. Lots of noise on this band, but that's the statusquo usually, Noted a male and female in Spanish language conversation. Heard Bolivia mentioned often by both persons. Signal was just holding it's own with the noise, butstill better than usual.(Chuck Bolland, FL October 23, 2008)

6030, Calgary - CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060), 1417-1427 + 1444, Oct 22. With CNR-1 off the air here, was able to hear C&W songs, man and woman DJs, several IDs for Classic Country AM 1060, promo for winning prizes, traffic report, "the next traffic report in 15 minutes", poor to fair, jamming, perhaps against Ming Hui Radio? (R. Howard, CA)

4750, CNR-1, 1340-1402, Oct 21. Almost all the CNR-1 frequencies were not heard today. Heard under a fairly strong Bangladesh (RRI not heard at all), with Chinese programming, clearly parallel with 4800 (light QRM from assume AIR) and 7275 (fair). Thanks to Sei-ichi Hasegawa's tip that most of the CNR-1 frequencies are off the air (R. Howard, CA) see Malaysia/Sarawak

4780, Radio Djibouti (presumed), 0303-0333, Oct 18. First time I have been able to hear this on the west coast! An amazing night for African reception! Chanting (probably reciting from Qur'an), 0312-0331 long non-stop talking by man in what sounded like Arabic, music fanfare and more talking, poor to fair. Back in Dec. 1971, I also heard them on 4780, but from my location on the East coast and QSL'ed ORTF "Station de Djibouti" from the French Territory of the Afars and Issas (R. Howard, CA)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1051-1100. With a male in Indonesian language comments, noted a program music and live comments. Signal remained at a good level during the listening period. (C. Bolland, FL October 21, 2008)

5030, Sarawak FM via RTM, 1250-1326 + 1352 +1423, Oct 21. With CNR-1 off the air here, Sarawak FM was doing very well, in vernacular, woman DJ with pop songs, several "RTM Kuala Lumpur" and many "Sarawak FM" IDs, ToH 2 pips, RTM news (news only was // 5964.93v Klasik Nasional FM), after the news a man DJ with music dedications, fair to good reception, at 1306 noted a strong open carrier turned on for about 10 seconds, a test by CNR-1? Parallel with 7130 (fair till after 1300, when started mixing with CNR-2/CBR) (R. Howard, CA)

5985.0, Myanma Radio, 1525-1540, Oct 22. Pop music, in vernacular before 1530 along with indigenous instrumental music, into English, ID with frequencies, news about the activities of various generals of the Department of Defense, item about the 16th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competition, weather (gives present conditions along with forecast though tomorrow evening and conditions for Myanmar waters), promo for the 16th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts competition, "Dear listeners, now you can hear the evening music program, Listening Pleasure", EZL songs, fair, best reception so far this DX season (R. Howard,CA)

4826.53, Radio Sicuani, 0022-0100. Noted a male in Spanish language comments here. He is joined by a second fella on the telephone. Later a female joins the group. As time progresses the signal begins to fade and by 0100 is practically gone due to fading. Still on the air however. Just too weak to copy. (C. Bolland, FL October 23, 2008)

9615, Radio Veritas Asia, 1040-1050. Initially noted a male and female in Chinese language comments. Some music interspersed as an accent. At 1045, a second male comments. All the comments are probably religious? No interference noted from Firedrake which was expected though. Signal was good.(C. Bolland, FL October 21, 2008

4965, CVC, 0253, Oct 18, in English. Christian preaching, at the end of sermon she asks listeners to call or write to Radio Christian Voice, fair-good, on Oct 19 conditions had returned to just average African reception, so Oct 18 reception was unique (R. Howard, CA)

6165, ZNBC/Radio 2, 0243, Oct 18. Heard their interval signal (the call of the African Fish Eagle was strong here (also on 5915) (FYI: the Fish Eagle is shown on their 10 Kwacha currency <>); 0343-0359 in English, Christian preacher with African sounding accent, he hoped people would show up for church tomorrow at 7:30 at Independence Avenue, near the Civic Center in Lusaka. Surprised to find this religious program here as it sounded more like a CVC type program, fair, at 0359 RN signed-on totally covering Zambia (R. Howard, CA)

Zimbabwe (non)
4828, R. Zimbabwe, 0242 + 0307 + 0318, Oct 18. No music heard tonight, only a strong open carrier, 3396 continues to be silent (R. Howard, CA)

Chuck Bolland, FL
Ron Howard, CA