
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Zealand's Radio DX League celebrates 60th anniversary

October 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the birth of the New Zealand Radio DX League (NZRDXL), and to mark the occasion a special 48-page anniversary supplement to the club’s excellent magazine DX Times has been produced. While shortwave listening has declined in many parts of the world, and a lot of listeners’ clubs have disappeared, the NZRDXL has survived, though its current membership of around 200 is less than a tenth of what it was at its peak.
The late Arthur Cushen was probably the highest profile member of the club, through his work on Radio New Zealand International and our own Media Network programme. One of the highlights of my career was the opportunity to spend some time with Arthur and his devoted wife Ralda when they attended an EDXC Conference, the first time they had travelled to Europe.
The special supplement, which contains a history of Radio New Zealand International and a reproduction of the very first issue of DX Times in October 1948, is available for everyone to download in a PDF file. There are two versions, one standard quality and one high quality, which can be downloaded here.
Our warmest greetings to our friends on the other side of the globe, and here’s to many more birthdays.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)