
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blog Logs from South America

All times UTC

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba (p), 2257-2305, Dec 17, woman talking. SINPO 14331. (Mille)

4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, 2240-2300, Dec 12 and 17, Spanish ann, instrumental music, LA song, SINPO 24332. (Mille and Petersen)

4555, Radio Virgen de Remedios (pres.), Tupiza, 2354-0010, Dec 14, Spanish religious talks "tenemos en Cristo un solo cuerpo", religious music with that reverb from inside a Church alternating talks, mentioning “Cochabamba”, SINPO 22322. (Otávio)

4699.35, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2218-2330, Dec 11, 17 and 21, Spanish religious talk, hymns, SINPO 25332. (Mille and Petersen)

4716.70, Radio Yura, Yura, 2254-2350, Dec 09, 11 and 17, religious programme in Spanish, Andean songs, SINPO 24332 Utility QRM. (Mille, Otávio and Petersen)

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 2248-2255, Dec 11, song and talks, SINPO 22332. (Mille)

4754.91, Radio Imaculada Conceição, Campo Grande, MS (p), 2340-2350, Dec 11, Portuguese religious talk, SINPO 25232. (Petersen)

4805, Radio Dif. do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 2145-2150, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, SINPO 14331. (Mille)

4825, Radio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, 2155-2201, Dec 11, Portuguese talk, SINPO 23332 // 9675 (SINPO 34343). (Mille)

4865, Radio Alvorada, Londrina, PR, 2201-2206, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, QRM utility, SINPO 23332. (Mille)

4915, Radio Difusora Macapá, Macapá, AP, 0721-0729, Dec 19, programme of songs, Portuguese ann, 24322. (Méndez). Also heard at 2206-2209, Dec 11, talks, SINPO 33343. (Mille)

4915, Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania, GO, 2206-2209, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, SINPO 23332. (Mille)
4925.2, Radio Educação Rural, Tefé, AM, 2209-2212, Dec 11, talks in Portuguese, SINPO 14331. (Mille)

4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, ES, 2212-2320, Dec 11 and 21, Portuguese talks, SINPO 35232. (Mille and Petersen

11804.7, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2132-2140, Dec 17, talks, mentions of "Brasil", SINPO 23332. (Mille)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO, 1025-1051, Dec 18, Portuguese ID's, news, songs and talks, 34333. (Van Arnhem and Méndez). Also heard at 2142-2205, Dec 17, Portuguese talks, ID and frequency ann at 2200, SINPO 44344. (Mille)

11925.2, Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, SP, 2145-2150, Dec 17, talk in Portuguese, SINPO 34333 // 9645 (SINPO 22332). (Mille)

4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2215-2218, Dec 17, Spanish ann, huaynos, talk, SINPO 34332 QRM China 4750. (Mille, Petersen)

4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 1048-1100, 2224-2232 and 0105-0125, Dec 14, 16 and 17, Spanish talks, canned promos, ID: "...Radio Tarma Internacional...", ann programme: "Sentimiento Latinoamericano" with Equadorian folk music, Chiley Bolivia, SINPO 22332 CODAR made it practically impossible for a better signal. (Bolland, Mille and Rodriguez)

4790.1, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0230-0240 and 0753-0804, Dec 19 and 23, Spanish religious talks, hymns, SINPO 33333 QRM Pakistan at 0230, weak at 0753: 15321. (Méndez and Petersen)

5059.2, La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, 1140-1200, Dec 14, folkmusic, to give time: "...seis, seis de la mañana con 42 minutos La Voz de las Huarinjas les acompaña con la programacion de la mañana...", poor, bad modulation. (Rodriguez)

5120, Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, 2243-2246, Dec 11, LA song and talk, SINPO 24332. (Mille)

6125, SODRE, Montevideo, 1200, Dec 13, carrier here under heavy QRN at my location, with weak modulation. It relays Radio Uruguay on 1050 MW. So, this is active again and appears to be the only SW working from Uruguay. As I have been told, the plans to keep the SW outlets from SODRE continue. But improved results are still not evident. Nothing heard on 9620. (Nigro in DXplorer)
(DSWCI/DX Window #367)