
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sing-on sign-off*

6134.79, Radio Santa Cruz, 0958-1020. Initially noted a program of Bolivian music which continued through the hour mark. At about 1005, a series of promos and ID's heard, all of them canned; then at about 1010, back to music. Signal was good. (C. Bolland, FL)

6889.93, Radio Fana, 2030-2059*. Nov 30. Local music. Amharic announcements. Poor to fair. // 6110 - good level but with co-channel QRM. (B. Alexander, PA)

7110, Radio Ethiopia, 2035-2101*, Nov 30. Amharic talk. Euro-pop ballads. US pop ballads. Sign off with national anthem at 2059. Fair signal with weak co-channel QRM. // 9704.19 - poor with QRM from 9705.(B. Alexander, PA)

4976.02, RRI Pontianak, (presumed)1058-1105. At tune in noticed music in progress. Gotta make this a "presume" since no break on the hour or comments during the period. Signal was poor. (C. Bolland, FL)

6089.85, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2045-2157. Nov 30, Vernacular talk. Some local African music. Poor with adjacent channel DRM splatter. Completel. Covered by Anguilla 6090 at their 2157 sign on. (B. Alexander, PA)

6200, Xizang PBS Lhasa, 1630-1700, Dec 3. "Holy Tibet" English program, news (tells number of students attending school, government money being spent to remodel the monasteries, etc.), segment "Tourism of Tibet", finally heard with decent audio at their sign-off: "Okay, that's all for today's program. Hope you had a good time listening to Holy Tibet program. Also if you have anything to tell us, you can contact us at:
China Tibet People's Broadcasting Station
No. 41 Beijing [sounded like "Zhonglu"?]
zip code 8850
Thank you for joining me", "This is China Tibet Broadcast Company calling Tibet. Holy Tibet will take you to visit the roof of the world. Holy Tibet is the window into the world of Tibet". (R. Howard, CA)

4412.6 Sam Neua from 1100 recording start with decent carrier but no real audio until 1125 when hrd some type of Laotian music program fading in and running to 1200 with male announcer. At 1200 intro instrumental music followed by male announcer with what sounded like news program with actualities, etc. from 1201.5 to 1214. Female/male announcers at 1214 to 1229. Woman announcer 1229-1230. Strong but not overwhelming CODAR QRM, but otherwise low noise llevels. SINPO 23442. Signal improved slightly from 1125 to 1230 end of recording.(B Churchill, CA)

7260, Mongolia, Mongolian Radio, Ulaanbaatar. November-30 Mongolian(sch) 0855-0859 YL talks and short instr. music between. SINPO 23432. (L. Bobrowiec, Brazil)

North Korea
2850 KCBS Pyongyang, 1315, 12/02/08. Typical NK-style communist opera with female vocals, not // to 3250/3320 which were also audible at this time. Fair to good but fading rapidly by 1330 recheck. (M. Schiefelbein, MO)

3250/3320 PBS Pyongyang, 1319, 12/02/08. Presumed Korean. Female and male announcers with a rather impassioned-sounding diatribe. Both frequencies were parallel to each other, but not the same program as 2850. 3250 weaker than 3320, both mostly poor. (M. Schiefelbein, MO)

9665.56 KCBS Pyongyang, 2327, 12/02/08. More revolutionary opera, which aside from the source is actually fairly pleasant to listen to, seemed to flow from piece to piece without any announcer commentary. Best in USB due to a big het from something right on 9665, but unsure what - several possibilities listed. First time heard here at this hour. Poor. (M. Schiefelbein, MO)

Papua New Guinea
7325, Papua New Guinea, Wantok Radio Light(tent), Port Moresby. November-30 0819 Folk music, 0823 female talks then male, 0825 faded out. Very weak, SINPO 23322. (L. Bobrowiec, Brazil)

4826.46, Radio Sichuan, 1021-1040. Mainly heard Spanish comments from both a male and female during the period. Some music heard, but only as a "bridge" so to speak. Signal was fair to threshold during the period. By 1040, it was evident that the signal was fading out for the morning. (C. Bolland, FL)

4835.45. Radio Maranon, 1115-1120. Surprised that this is still readable because of the late time, but noted a female in Spanish language followed by a male. This signal is cycling in and out as it fades into the noise trying to hold on for just a few more moments. Unfortunately that doesn't happen as it fades down to nothing. (C. huck Bolland, FL)

4790, Radio VisiĆ³n, Chiclayo. November-30 SS 0802-0809. Folk music with male talks at the mid and between songs. 23322 (L. Bobrowiec, Brazil)

Solomon Islands
9541.55 SIBC, Honiara. Reactivated here - hasn't been traced on 5020v of late. BBC "World Today" relay 0600, followed by ID 0630 "This is the National Service of the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation.", followed by string of adverts in English. Local reggae-flavoured song after that. Quite strong here, 29/11.(C Seager, Australia)

Radio Marti, 6300, 2202-2205, November 24. Excellent signal with women reading news in Spanish, ending her segment with". . . Radio Marti." Included a few words in English mentioning Wall Street from a speech by a man. Off suddenly at 2205—before I had a chance to check parallel frequencies, 6030 was on when I checked a few seconds later, but signal was only good, and jamming was present. Punch-up error for 6030? At 2357 recheck, a weak Radio Nacional de la RASD was on 6300. (W. Craighead)

Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Brazil/playdx2003
Chuck Bolland, FL
Bruce Churchill, CA/Cumbre DX
Wendel Craighead, KS
Ron Howard, CA
M. Schiefelbein, MO/Cumbre DX
Craig Seager, Australia/HCDX