
Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Time on European Music Radio - 21st of December 2008

All times UTC
6140 - 1300 to 1330 Paul Graham (Christmas oldie program)
1330 to 1355 Colin King with the Jackie History (part 4)
1355 to 1400 Tom Taylor - EMR up date
9290 khz - 1400 to 1500 Mike Taylor with the Christmas Mail Box

EMR schedule for January - February and March 2009 is:
January - 13.00 to 13.30 Tom Taylor + Jackie History (part 5)
February - 13.00 to 13.30 Tom Taylor + Jackie History (part 6)
March - 13.00 to 14.00 Tom Taylor + Jackie History (part 7)

Happy Christmas to all our Listeners from European Music Radio !
(Mike and Tom Taylor - Paul Graham - Colin King and all the staff of EMR)