
Monday, December 29, 2008

Solomon Islands shortwave radio activity

All times UTC

Solomon Islands
9541.4, SIBC, Honiara. 0715 Dec 6, good clear signal with good sharp audio, English news followed by a commercial and a chat about Red Cross Day. Interference and het from Sound of Hope, Tanshui, Taiwan, which comes on at 0900. SIBC was swamped by their carrier coming on air at 0845, with Taiwan’s signal and audio tramping all over the Solomons, which has by then weakened a little. Can still separate them by tuning to 9541.4 on USB which gets rid of the het and virtually blocks out Taiwan. No sign of 5020. (Stevenson-OZ, EDXP)

9441.53, SIBC, excellent signal at 1000 Dec 1. News in Tok Pisin. (Ritola-Finland, DXplorer) “Our short waves have been down for few weeks now. One should be back and I think you can get it on 9545. The other, 5020 should be back this week. Cheers, Walter Nalangu, SIBC Honiara.” (Aardal-Norway, HCDX)

9541.54, SIBC, 2210 Nov 30. Good and clear in USB mode avoiding 9540 het, relaying Radio Australia news reports in English, running a fraction of a second behind RA-Brandon 12080. Rechecked at 2248 and found popular island and western vocals, commercials in English, at 2300 English ID, SW frequency announced as 9545, then SIBC Mid-Morning news in English. Tnx to ARDXC members for the tipoff. (Clark-NZ, NZ DX Times)

9541.50, SIBC, Honiara. Fair improving to good, local messages in English and later announcements in Pidgin. Announced frequency as 9545 just prior to “The World Today” from the BBC at 0600 Dec 1. (Lynneberg-NZ, DXT)

9541v, SIBC 0800-1200. English and Pidgin. BBC relayed from 1200. (Seager, ARDXC & Wright, HCDX via DXplorer Nov.30/08)

9541.5 SIBC .12/26 with very nice signal, by far best heard this season, from 0809 tune with English news by woman. Into feature program at 0810 that included what sounded like several political speeches and a woman narrator. Music program from 0840 with several pop Christmas vocals among other pop songs, man and woman announcers. Frequent recorded commercials heard. Co-ch QRM present after 0900, but not problematic. (Bruce Churchill/Cumbre DX)

9541, SIBC December-22. English 0712-0736 Male announcer and dominant lady with talk segment to talks on music. brief English pop music and solo male choir Pacific style music. Some het. SINPO 33433 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

Solomon Islands amateur radio
H4 & H40, Solomon Islands and Temotu province Bernhard, DL2GAC, informs OPDX that
he will depart from Markdorf, Germany, on January 8th and arrive in Honiara, capital of the Solomon Islands, on Saturday, January 10th. He is expected to stay until April 28th. Bernhard will be active as H44MS on SSB only but will focus on the 80 and 40 meter bands. He states, “I do collect U.S. counties. Additionally, I look for missing slots for my 5B-WAS, 5B-ITU-Zones, 5BWAZ and new IOTAs.” QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct after his return home.
ADDED NOTES: Bernhard states that Sigi/DK9FN (CW op) and Hermann/DL2NUD (an EME op) will join him at the end of February. Together they plan to do a 2-3 week operation to Temotu (H40). A flight to Lata, capital city of Temotu, is planned for March 2nd. Sigi/DK9FN will go back home on March 16th, and Hermann/DL2NUD will stay until April 9th.
[Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #887 December 7, 2008/ODXA-Listening In Jan. 2009]