
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Blog Logs - Peru

All times UTC

3329.53, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 1020-1100, Dec 08. Man/woman with "Feliz Navidad", "Atenciones", continues to provide a strong signal, that is much better than in past seasons. (Wilkner)

4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2215-2218, Dec 17. Spanish announcement, huaynos, talk. SINPO 34332 QRM China 4750. (Mille, Petersen)

4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 1048-1100, 2224-2232 and 0105-0125. Dec 14, 16 and 17, Spanish talks, canned promos, ID: "...Radio Tarma Internacional...", ann programme: "Sentimiento Latinoamericano" with Equadorian folk music, Chiley Bolivia, SINPO 22332 CODAR made it practically impossible for a better signal. (Bolland, Mille and Rodriguez)

4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 2333-0245, Dec 23/24. Peruvian vocals, ID, ann "Navidad" and sending Christmas greetings to listeners. SINPO 25322 some CODAR QRM in USA. (D'Angelo/FCDX and Méndez)

4790.1, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0230-0240 and 0753-0804, Dec 19/23. Spanish religious talks, hymns, SINPO 33333 QRM Pakistan at 0230, weak at 0753: 15321. (Méndez and Petersen)

4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0120-0240, 0555-0605 and 0924-0933, Dec 25. Spanish religious talks: "Gloria a Dios", hymns by choir, SINPO 25322 CODAR QRM in Denmark. (Méndez and Petersen)

4824.64, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 1000. Dec 12. Numerous station IDs as "...La Voz de la Selva...". (Wilkner)

4857.45, Radio La Hora, Cusco, 1052-1100, Dec 16, Spanish ballads with time announcement, a pattern with the music when the machine would get stuck on a track and keep repeating. I have had this experience with my CD player in my truck whenever the CD is slightly damaged and gets stuck and keeps repeating. Ads, canned ID: "...Radio La Hora ...", fair. (Bolland)

4857.5, Radio La Hora, Cuzco, 2324-2345, Dec 24 and Jan 05, beatiful Peruvian music and songs, talk about "la Navidad", reactivation after some weeks. SINPO 25322. (Méndez and Rodriguez)

4940, Radio San Antonio, Atalaya, 2120-2200, Dec 13. Special program from "Radioton" to raise money for Christmas for poor children, presentation of local artists, declamations and Comedians. "San Antonio en la Radioton 2008". (Rodriguez)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2219-2225, Dec 11. Andean music and song, SINPO 24332. (Mille)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2315-2350, Dec 21. Vocal, announcement in Spanish, ID, instrumental music, SINPO 25322. (D'Angelo/ FCDX and Méndez)

4991, Radio Manantial, Chilca, 0108-0123, Dec 23. Preacher in Spanish before a "live" audience working up the crowd. Poor to fair. (D'Angelo/FCDX)

5059.2, La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, 1140-1200, Dec 14. Folk music, to give time: "...seis, seis de la mañana con 42 minutos La Voz de las Huarinjas les acompaña con la programacion de la mañana...", poor, bad modulation. (Rodriguez)

5120, Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, 2243-2246, Dec 11. Latin American song and talk. SINPO 24332. (Mille)

5120, Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba (p), 2250-2257, Dec 24. Spanisk talk, weak, audible in LSB, SINPO 15321. (Méndez)

5460, Radio Bolivar, Cd. Bolivar, 1115, Dec 10, noted with fair signal. (Wilkner)

5460.6, Radio La Voz de Bolivar, Bolivar (presumed), 0016-0044, Dec 23. Spanish talk and time check to Peruvian vocal group. Poor but in the clear. (D'Angelo/FCDX)

6019.39, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0646-0715, Dec 25. Religious program: "La Voz de la Liberación", SINPO 24322. (Méndez). Also heard at 1115-1141, Jan 01, Spanish talk, weak, just off a few hertz from 6020 with Spanish talk, notch needed. (Bolland)

6047.17, Radio Santa Rosa, Lima, 1105-1120, Dec 08 and 10, weak signal with co-channel problems. (Wilkner)

6195.82, Radio Cusco, Cusco, 1057-1105, Jan 03. Huaynos music presented, very weak signal. (Bolland)

6195.8, Radio Cusco, Cusco, 2204-2310, Dec 13. Station reactivated, not heard by me since Aug 2007 when it was on 6193.4. Featuring a long program from Iglesia Dios es Amor without ann or advs. During the programme a feature called Mensajes Cantados with sung praises. At 2308 a short ID like "...Radio Cusco..." , then continued with another evangelical programme called "La Voz de la Profecia". Also heard at 1100, Dec 14, again introducing Iglesia Dios es Amor. (Rodriguez). Heard as UNID

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 1145-1200, Jan 01. Preacher in Spanish with sermon, testimonials, fair to poor. (Bolland)
(DSWCI-DX Window # 367-368)