
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

QSLing Brokered Broadcasts

Monitoring Times Exclusive - February 2009

QSLing Brokered Broadcasts
by Gayle Van Horn

In these days when budget cuts force shortwave broadcasters to drastically reduce office staff and broadcast hours, it is more difficult than ever to pick up those treasured verification cards (QSLs). Listeners must become as creative as the broadcasters in finding ways reduce expenses and entice the broadcaster to verify.

One potential solution is to make use of brokered broadcasts. Sometimes the listener can save postage by submitting reports of multiple broadcasters to the broker who is providing the aire time. In other cases, the brokered broadcast enables the listener to hear a station which would otherwise be inaudible, even though they must still report directly to whoever originated the programming.

QSLing Brokered Broadcast cover feature, provides information about the four biggest brokers, including detailed information from the largest of these, Media Broadcast. Do's and don't in QSLing the brokers and just what is it - and how does it work?

Find out more in the February issue of Monitoring Times