
Monday, January 05, 2009

Shortwave Blog "Bytes"

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

Azerbaijan terminates broadcast license to foreign radio stations
From 1 January, 2009, numerous broadcasters, including the BBC, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, will no longer be allowed to broadcast on national frequencies. Europe and the United States have severely criticised the decision and accused Azerbaijan of restricting press freedom. Baku says the new regulations are not politically motivated and pointed out that foreign radio stations will still be allowed to broadcast via cable and internet.Source;
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

Bangladesh 4750 kHz currently inactive
As I wondered whether Bangladesh (Bangla Betar) 4750 kHz inaudible from Kolkata, India was a propagation hiccup, I got a prompt reply from the station which puts the controversy to rest as: "Senior Engineer, RRC,BB, Dhaka" to Supratik Dear Dr Supratik Sanatani. At present, 4750KHz is in trouble. There is no other SW transmission for HS. Please try to reach 693 KHz MW. Thanks. Supratik SanataniKolkata, India.
Alokesh Gupta Gupta, India)

Bhutan Broadcasting log on 6035
6035, BBS, Sangaygang, Thimphu, *0000-0055. Dzongkha ann, Buddhist monks intoning, local songs. SINPO 34333 QRM Colombia. (Petersen). Also heard 1320-1430, Dec 07, 09, 11 and 18, Dzongkha ann and songs, 1400 English ID, news, reports, 1423 talk with phone calls, international music. SINPO 34232 - 24332, *1430 QRM Polski Radio on 6035. (Cody and Schulze) (DSWCI-DX Window 367)

Brazil's Radio Tupi Curitiba changes it's name
Radio Tupi Curitiba has changed its name to: Super Radio Deus E Amor, 1210kHz , 6060kHz , 9565kHz , 11765kHz The New web link is: Audio clip:
(Marcelo Vilela Bedene, DX Clube do Paraná, Curitiba-Brasil (HCDX)

Equatorial Guinea log
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 0556-0605, Dec 17. Spanish talks about a educational entity "la associación de padres y alunos", many mentions of "Malabo", Spanish romantic music. Relaying 6250 RN Malabo (maybe relaying only from few minutes before, not full time). SINPO 34333. (Otávio). Also heard at 2215-2258*, Dec 09, 11, 13 and 16, African and international pop songs, Spanish talks, national anthem. SINPO 33422. (Gallerati, Mille and Otávio)
(DSWCI-DX Window 367)

Euro Pirate audio clip
Radioshowman - Dutch Pirate. Tuned in last Sunday at 6300 kHz 1040 UTC. Audioclip available at

Lithuania's Radio Vilnius internet only service
David Crystal from Israel phoned me at 1010 to say that he had heard Radio Vilnius announce at the end of todays programme that as of January 1st they would no longer use shortwave. He said that there was nothing special about the final shortwave programme. They would continue to broadcast on the internet.

Archived programs on their website:§ion=2&filter=7345

The most recent archived program is for January 29, slide the player along to 29 minutes and you can hear the announcement. English programmes will be broadcast live on the internet at 1900, the programmes will also be available as podcasts and be archived online.
(Mike Barralough/World DX)

Meyerton harmonic on 6690 kHz
South Africa: For about a week or so, Meyerton transmitter on 3345 kHz has been putting out rather strong harmonic on 6690 kHz.This occurs during the AWR English program 1800-1830 UTC.I had a chat with Sentech about this, but the problem seems to continue.
(Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland/Cumbre DX)

Morocco's Medi Un streaming audio
In the case you weren't aware, Medi Un is streaming live. You can check out their live stream by vistiting and choosing the listening live option. However, the audio is ridicuosly low. On SW 9575 which is coming randomly right now, sometimes good , often poor-fair, the sound is more powerful and on LW they weren't too far from local strength the past evening, here in the Montreal area. The stream is almost annying, as you really can't enjoy the sound. So one more reason to DX Medi 1, instead of listening to them over the web.
(Bogdan Chiochiu/Cumbre DX)

New Zealand's 60th Anniversay QSL card
9655, Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki. I got the special 60th anniversary QSL from RNZ Int'l to view: . (Jaisakthivel, India/DSWC Intl/DX-Window 367)

Philippine's Radyo Pilipias revised winter schedule
English service targetd to Asia:
0200-0300 11880, 15285 and 17710.
0300-0330 11880, 15285 and 17710.
(Ricardo G. Lorenzo via Gayle Van Horn/DSWCI-DX Window 367)

Russian Time/Frequency station audio clip
RJH63 Time/Frequency station from Russia, 25 kHz. Received in Milan> Audio lip with morse code identification, available at:

Uruguay active on 6125 kHz
6125, SODRE, Montevideo, 1200. Carrier noted in December, under heavy QRN at my location, with weak modulation. It relays Radio Uruguay on 1050 MW. So, this is active again and appears to be the only SW working from Uruguay. As I have been told, the plans to keep the SW outlets from SODRE continue. But improved results are still not evident. Nothing heard on 9620. (Nigro in DXplorer/DSWCI-DX WIndow 367)