
Friday, February 27, 2009

Blog Logs - Africa

Blogs Logs - Africa

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

Ascension Island
BBC relay. 7160, 0535. English service with discussion on Formula One and yacht racing. Fair signal quality. BBC relay noted on 7160, 0520-0538. Mid-week wake up show for Africa. Music in several languages with multiple announcers in English. Weather for several African capitals. Good signal quality. (Jow Wood, TN).

4930, VOA relay, via Moepeng Hill. 0320-0330, Feb 10,. Group of people discussing current events in English. Poor signal quality. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

Radio National Tchadienne via N'djamena. 4905, 0602-0610. Brief comments in vernacular language, followed by African style music. Talk resumed amid good signal despite CODA interference. (Jim Evans, TN).

Radio Tchad, Gredia, N'Djaména, 4905, 1900-2230*, Feb 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 13 and 14. French talk, Afropop to a period of steady drum beats until 2200. Newscast and comments to ID. Martial anthem at 2229. SINPO 44444 with QRM from weaker Tibet from *2050. (Bolland, Mille, Otávio, Petersen and Romero). Also heard at 0515-0604, Feb 05 and 11, "toujour jamais" phone in speaker in French and song, 0600 comments in Arabic and ethnic music, 44524. (Liangas and Romero/DX Window 371)

Rdif. TV de Djibouti, Arta, 4780, 0310-0337, Feb 02 and 10. Qu'ran type praying and talk in Middle Eastern language. Signal poor to fair. (Bolland and Ronda). Also heard at 2038-2043, Feb 8, vernacular by man, 34333. (Mille/DX Window 371

Egyptian Radio. 6290, 0522-0527. Two male host trading Arabic announcements and talk. Call-in show to news and items about countries in Africa. (Joe Wood, TN).

Radio Wadi el-Nil. 9250, 2115-2130. Ten minutes of Arabic music to 2115. Time pips at 2130, followed by apparent station ID and newscast. Signal just a whisper over noted interference, but no fading noted. (Bruce Barker, PA).

Equatorial Guinea
Radio Africa. 15190, *1517-1530. Abrupt sign-on with station's usual English religious announcement. Gospel music during fair signal level but poor audio level with slight distortions and low modulation. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Radio Nacional-Malabo. 6250, 0533-0545. Spanish announcement to "Radio Malabo" identification. Brief breaks of Afro-pop music to phone conversation. This station not heard everyday. 6250, *0517-0605 with abrupt sign-on with Afro-pop music to lite instrumentals and Spanish ballads. "Radio Malabo" ID and "Radio Nacional" ID. Signal very weak at sign-on but improved to a good level by 0555. 6250, 0622-0645 in Spanish. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Radio Nacional-Bata. 5005, 2245-2258.* Afro-pop music to Spanish announcements. Station sign-off with national anthem at 2255. Fair signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Radio Nacional (tentative). 5005, 0534-0547. Fair reception of high-life music and songs. A good evening for African reception, as it is not often I hear this station this well. (Ron Howard, CA).

Radio Bana, Asmara, 5100, 1741-1745, Feb 13. Discussion vernacular language. SINPO 22332.(Mille/DX Window 371)

Radio Ethiopia 7165, *0659-0725. Sign-on with interval signal on electronic keyboard, followed by Amharic talk. Horn of Africa music noted weak but readable. Some occasional amateur radio interference (Brian Alexander, PA).

Radio Ethiopia 9560.31v, 1800-1815. Tentative on station noting Horn of Africa music style to text in unidentified language in echo effect. Signal drifting up to 9560.36 by 1810. Signal poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Radio Ethiopia. 9560.28v, 1815-1833.* Talk in unidentified language to local Horn of Africa style music. Abrupt sign-off. Frequency varying between 9560.0-9560.30 as signal observed weak to poor. very poor on // 7165 covered by Iran's sign-on at 1825 (Brian Alexander, PA).

Radio Ethiopia 9704.18, 2025-2101.* Horn of Africa style music to Amharic talk. Station sign-off with national anthem at 2058. Good strong signal, fair on // 7110. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Radio Fana. 6890.0, 2025-2059.* Amharic talk to regional music. Station signal fair, observing stronger on // 6110, but with co-channel QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Radio Fana via Addis Ababa. 6110, 0428-0434. Horn of Africa style music to Oromo talk via announcer. Moderate signal, easily dominating co-channel interference. Observed // 6890 much weaker. SINPO 33333. (Jim Evans, TN).

Radio Conakry, Sonfonia (tentative), 7125, 2224-2241, Feb 06. African music to unreadable talk. Signal with low modulation. SINPO 22322. (Otávio/DX Window 371)

ELWA. 6070, 2240-2302.* Religious music to announcers' talk segment. Sign-off with national anthem. Signal weak under a strong Romanian signal, though in the clear after Romania's sign-off at 2257 (Brian Alexaner, PA).

RTB Malagasy, Antananarivo. 5009.96, 0203-0232. Music program with choral-like tunes and instrumnetal ballads. Cover of Beatles Obladee Oblada tune in presumed Malagasy. Signal good at tune-in, deteriorating by 0230. (Scott Barbour, NH)

Radio Nasionaly Malagasy. 5009.92, 1508. Surprised to hear this station for the first time in the conventional DSB mode. (Ron Howard, CA).

Radio Dabanga via Madagascar. 13800, 0515-0527.* Arabic text to ID and jingles. Fair signal on // 7315 via Germany, poor due to strong tone on frequency. (Brian Alexander, PA).

3215, Radio Feon'ny Filazantsana, via Talata-Volonondry, 1628-1645, Feb 11 and 13. Malagasy religious talks and hymns by vocal and choir, 34333 Utility QRM. Off when rechecked at 1657. (Petersen). 3215, Cf. UNID in DX-Window no. 370: In the last of December 2008, I made daily recordings on 3215 between 1625 and 1710 of this station. Daily I had a very weak station with few talking and religious music. On Dec 21 the signal was best and I am quite sure this was this station ending around 1700.(Van Arnhem, Feb 10/DX Window 371)

Radio Mauritanie. 4845, 0740-0801. Arabic and French service for program mix. Arabic readings from the Qu'ran, followed at 0745 by news presumed by mentions of names/place names. Musical signature at 0800, followed by "As Salaam Alaykum." 4845, 0815 in Arabic and mentions of Mohammed. (Bruce Barker, PA)

RTV Mauritania via Nouakchott. 4845, 2335-2345. Arabic programming from announcer duo. Observed good signal with substantial audio. SINPO 43333. (Jim Evans, TN).

9575, Radio Mediterranee International, Nador, 1940-1945, Feb 07. French news, correspondents reports to music. SINPO 55555. (Romero/DX Window 371)

Radio Nigeria. 6090, 0352-0410. Very tentative on this station. Anguilla station not heard until after a check at 0502, so was able to hear possibly Nigeria with non-stop repitive music and mixing with station in Portuguese (probably Brazil's Rádio Bandeirantes on 6089.94). Nigeria also on low side of 6090, poor, but still nice to hear something other than Anguilla. (Ron Howard, CA).

4770, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, *0429-0525, Feb 04. Drums, choral national anthem, prayer in English. Announcer's station ID to opening announcement. Program previews and music to 0459 drums followed by ID. Time check and news. Signal Poor to fair with some utility QRM. (D'Angelo). Also heard at 2022-2130, Feb 05 and 15, English talk and music. Station ID as, "Radio Nigeria." SINPO 35443. (Mille and Romero/DX Window 371)

Voice of Nigeria. 15120, 1856-1905. English commentary to station identification and frequency schedule. Pop music, ID repeat and news at 1900. Modearte signal quality, improving in strength over the time. SINPO 34333. (Jim Evans, TN).

São Tomé e Príncipe
Affia Darfur, Washington, via Pinheira, 4960, 0315-0330*, Feb 10 and 11, Arabic comments about Darfur, 33443 CODAR QRM. (Bolland and Petersen/DX Window 371)

BBC relay via Mahe. 11860, 1703. English news regarding "futbol" game and South African Parliament to station ID. Signal poor. (Scott Barbour, NH).

Presumed station as Radio Omdurman, Khartoum. 7200, 0242-0303. Arabic service for announcer's text to Qu'ran recitations. Presumed ID though too much 7205 VOA Persian service via Wertachal, Germany for anything solid. Brief items from announcer to music at 0300. Signal fair at tune-in and no sign of listed Bulgaria. (Scott Barbour, NH).

Republic of Sudan Radio. 7200, 0537-0547. Arabic text via male/female host to talk and music mix of Middle Eastern and Sub-Saharan music. Mentions of Khartoum. Dead air from 0553-0600 when a lively lady hostess came back on. (Joe Wood, TN).

Trans World Radio relay via Manzini. 4775, 0414-0425. German service including religious choir music and talk from lady hostess. Apparent religious sermon at 0422. Good signal despite CODAR interference. SINPO 33333. (Jim Evans, TN).

Trans World Radio relay via Manzini. 4775, 0350-0415. German religious service followed by brief religious music and abrupt carrier drop at 0358. Program back at 0400 with English ID by male/female in German. Religious vocals amid very good signal quality. SINPO 43333. (Jim Evans, TN).

RTV Tunisiene. 7275, 0510-0520. Arabic service including talk and comments, followed by dramatic operetta style vocal music accompanied by orchestra and piano. Signal very good. SINPO 44333. (Jim Evans, TN).

UBC Red channel, Kampala, 4976, 2017-2022, Feb 08. Recitatyions. SINPO 44333. (Mille). Also heard at 0512, Feb 12, talks, hip hop music, S2, QRM from 4975. (Liangas/DX Window 371)

Radio Christian Voice via Lusaka. 4965, 0255-0305. Vernacular programming including contemporary Christian music to announcer's text after 0300. Good signal with heavy fading and less distinct audio during talk segment. Difficult to determine language, but did not appear to be English. SINPO 34323. (Jim Evans, TN).

Radio Zambia/Radio One (presumed). 5925, 0413-0426. Call-in program in Vernacular language with high-life music between calls. Signal almost fair but troubled with being over modulated. (Ron Howard, CA).

ZNBC. 5915, *0248-0300. Station sign-on with Fish Eagle interval signal to choral national anthem at 0250. Vernacular language talk to local choral music and possible religious text. Signal poor with adjacent co-channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA).

ZBC Gweru. 3396, 0249-0303. Lite Afro pop music to announcer Vernacular item as he talks over the music at 0300. Presumed news headlines to 0303. Signal observed as poor-weak. (Scott Barbour, NH)