
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Blog Logs - Clandestine

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

4880, SW Radio Africa, Meyerton, 1818-1822. English interview about Zimbabwe, SINPO 24432. (Romero)

5935, Zimbabwe Community Radio, via Dhabbaya, United Arab Emirates, launched on Mar 01, 2000-2100 daily. From Mar 29 frequency will be 5995. Schedule 2000 Ndebele, 2025 English, 2045 Shona. (Savolainen in DXplorer, Feb 28). Heard Mar 02 fading in 2020-2100* under much stronger ertachtal relaying Polish R in Ukrainian until 2030*. After that a long interview in English, 2043 a native folksong, 2050 Shona ID, mentioning "shortwave" and talk mentioning Zimbabwe, local music and song, 2059 ID again, SINPO 32332 strong splashes from Voice of Russia in Russian on 5980. (Petersen)

6300, RASD Radio Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni, *0700-0745 and 1835-2359*v, Anthem to Qur`an soloist, Hasania Arabic talks referring to "Saharauia ..IslamĂ­a..Medina", IDs, folklore music, Spanish news 2315, reports, 34333. (Boc15, Petersen and Romero)

7165, Voice of Peace and Democracy of Eritrea, Geja Dera, Addis Ababa, 0420-0425. Tigrinya talks, local folk music, SINPO 23332. (Romero)

7315, Radio Dabanga, via Wertachtal, *0429-0527. Open carrier with music opening at 0430, Arabic ID: "..Radio Dabanga a Sudan", announcement, news with several IDs during newscast, mentions of Sudan, jingle: "Radio Dabanga." SINPO 34443 with heterodyne from Radio France International which left carrier on after signing off at 0430*. (D'Angelo and Romero)

7530, Radio Free North Korea, via Gavar, Armenia , 1916-1925. Korean interview and comments, SINPO 24432. (Romero). They verified an electronic report to with a no data electronic reply in 48 days from v/s Min Jae Oh from . (D’Angelo)

7540, Dengue Mezopotamya, via Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 1852-1932. Kurdish ann popular songs with choir, SINPO 45544. (Romero)

7550, Open Radio North Korea, via Gavar, Armenia , 2115-2130. Korean talk, piano, SINPO 24322. (Romero)

9610, Voice of Asena, via Samara, Russia. I am happy to announce that I got a very nice, personal letter in English, confirming my reception this station on Feb 16. The director and founder, Amanuel Eyasu, says that I was the first to send them feedback through a detailed report. When you say "Asena" to a person it means "that you are happy about something", so I say "Asena" to you all. Website: . Email to the station:>. (Fransson)

11760, Voice of Oromia Liberation Front, via Juelich (100 kW / 130 degrees) from Mar 01: Tu/Th/Su 1600-1630 in Oromo to East Africa // 9695, ex 1600-1700. ( Ivanov, via BC-DX)
11835, Ethiopia Adera Dimtse Radio, via Nauen, Germany (500 kW / 145 degrees), Sat 1700-1800 in Amharic. (Ivanov, via BC-DX, Mar 01). Until now reported as an UNID clandestine. (Ed)

15195, Addis Dimts Radio, via Samara, Russia, *1600-1657.* Opening announcement with four "Salaams." Station ID and schedule to assorted talks past 1650, all in presumed Amharic. Good 1600-1645, but the noise took over 1650. (Wilkins in DXplorer)

15240, Somali Interactive Radio via Dhabbaya, 0610-0613. SomalĂ­ talk and local folk music, SINPO 23422.
(DX Window # 372)