
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Blog Logs - South America

3309.98, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, Cochabamba, 0916-1045, Feb 23 and Mar 03. Rustic vocals and talk in Quechua language. poor signal. (D'Angelo and Wilkner)

6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0935-1101, Feb 17. Monitored this off and on, plenty of Spanish comments with canned ID's here and there as, ".Radio Santa Cruz..." Signal varied between a poor and fair quality. (Bolland)

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, PA, 2140-0605, Feb 15-20, 22 and 24, Portuguese ann, ID: "Rádio Clube." Lively Brazilian songs and Carnival songs, "Musica madrugada", SINPO 33443, QRM 4885 Radio Dif. Acreana, Rio Branco, AC (p) talk in Portuguese. (Boc15, Petersen and Romero)

4885, Radio Dif. Acrena, Rio Branco, AC, 0328, Feb 24. Portuguese talk and advertisement string with many mentions of Rio Branco. Signal fair-good. (Ronda)

4915, Radio Difusora, Macapá, Amapà, 2237-0455, Feb 14, 16 and 17. Talks in Portuguese. Signal poor/good. (Boc15)

4925.25v, Radio Educação Rural Tefè, AM, 2236-2240, Feb 17. Talks in Portuguese for fairsignal. (Boc15)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO, 2150-0340, Feb 15, 16, 17 and 22. Portuguese talk and announcement to lively Brazilian Carnival songs. Time check and ID. SINPO 35343. (Boc15 and Petersen)

5969.9, Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, MG. Signal in the clear at 2302, Feb 23. Noted on a free channel with Carnival program, but very weak with S1 signal level. (Schliephacke)

6010.00, Radio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0525-0550, Feb 22, Portuguese constant talk all 25 minutes, mentioning Sâo Paulo and Bahia, adjacent QRM and from *0545 Belarus on 6010, 34343. But clandestine Radio Republica not heard, as expected! (Petersen)

5910, Marfil Estéreo, Lomalinda, 0700-0823, Feb 22 and 24. Nice bouncy music, ID including calls HKI79, back to music which was not religious, but I could not really understand the lyrics. Call of this SW transmitter is actually HJDH, ID: "Marfil Estereo", 24322. (Romero)

3220, HCJB, Pifo, 1000, Mar 03, ID as "Radio HCJB", signal remains strong. (Wilkner)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo/R Maria, Tena, Napo, 2335-2340, Feb 21. Religious songs and talk. Fair signal. (Cody).

3329.53, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco returned to the air after four days of silence, 1045-1100, Mar 03. Same man with rapid conversation in Spanish. (Wilkner)

4805, Radio Rasuwilca, Ayacucho, 2235, Feb 26, Spanish. Address: Faldas del Cerro La Picota, Ayacucho. (Cañote in Conexión Digital via Berg). UNID carrier with no audio also noted at 1130, Mar 03. (Wilkner)

4824.40, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 1115, Mar 03, music, strong. (Wilkner)

4826.37, Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, 1116-1130, Mar 03, Spanish talk, strong signal. (Wilkner)

4835.39, Radio Marañon, Jaén, 1115-1130, Mar 03, music, strong signal. (Wilkner)

5039.21, Radio Libertad, Junin, 1100-1120, Mar 03, Spanish, strong signal. (Wilkner)

5120.2, Radio Suroriente, Quillabamba with strongest signal on Feb 27 just after 2300 after checked for one week. "Radio Suroriente…numero de telefono 43 44..". Had some nice songs along with a couple of advertisements. (Schliephacke)

6195.80, Radio Cusco, Cusco, 1110-1116, Feb 17. Huaynos music and announcement in Spanish. Weak and signal fading out. (Bolland)
(DX Window # 372)