
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Shortwave Blog "Bytes"

All time UTC //mparallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

All India Radio on 4700
4700, AIR, 1536-1549, Feb 27. Which site was this? Heard with the usual segment of “News at Nine”, with ads in assume Hindi and news in English; followed by another Hindi ad; program “Spotlight” in English with dialogue about Pakistan and the Mumbai terrorist attack; weak, but clearly // 9425. Assume this is just another case of AIR being off-frequency (Ron Howard, CA)

Australian DX Report # 140 available for download
The latest episode, No. 140, of the Australian DX Report, a weekly audio news magazine with news and information about shortwave broadcasting, from an Australian perspective, is now available.
It's 13 mins 40 secs, and may be downloaded from
The site allows you to listen to the ADXR and other audio features directly (streaming audio) via your MP3 player, or via the site's embedded mini-player. Podcasts, iTunes capability, full RSS/XML/Atom feeds, and free subscriptions are supported - full details are at the site.

The ADXR is compiled from the resources of the Electronic DX Press Radio
Monitoring Association.
Your comments and feedback are particularly important!
You can also hear the episodes on-air, via WWCR Nashville, every Sunday at 0300-0315 on 5070 and on Mondays 1245-1300 on 15825. The WWCR release is also available as streaming-audio, live, from
Good listening to the Australian DX Report Episode No. 140!
(Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia)

Bolivia log
Radio Fides, 155.23, 1058-1110. Noted a female in Spanish comments briefly until music presented at 1102. Signal was threshold during the period until it faded into the noise.
(Chuck Bolland, FL March 1, 2009)

Clandestine update
5985.0, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata (ex: 5910); 1413-1430*, Feb 28. In Korean with light Myanmar (5985.00) QRM. Total of 22 days on 5910. Feb 27 heard them on their last day on 5910, with heavy jamming. So I can well understand the need to change frequency, but why back to the frequency that they know has an issue of interference with Myanmar? Thought they moved away from 5985 to get away from Myanmar and now they are back to the very same situation they had before (Ron Howard, CA)

New trailer for Boat That Rocked movie
This is the second international trailer, again with some different footage than the second UK one.

There's no US release date as yet, this puts the need for offshore pirates in context for a non European audience, also includes a lot of footage of the Philip Seymour Hoffman character:
(Mike Barraclough, UK/worlddxclub)

Pirate email contacts
Radio Paardenkracht

Antonio Radio
Radio Cochinguaz

Radio Nacional de Venezuela log
6180 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via Radio Havana Cube, 1033-1042, February 28, Spanish,
folk song, ID as: "Escucha el Canal Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela"; at 1040 UTC begun: "Contacto con los diexistas" (reports from Japan, etc). ID: "...Canal Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela", SINPO 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

Shortwave log bits
2142 - 5930, Radio Praha, via Litomysl, Cze, talk in spanish, good signal
2145 - 5940, Voice of Russia in spanish, via Samara, Russia, good signal
2148 - 5960, CRI in english, via Cerric, Albania, "China Drive", good signal
2150 - 5980, Voice of Turkey in turkish, via Cakirlar, Turkey, music, good signal.
2155 - 6000, Voice of Russia, in serbian, via Samara, Russia, good signal
2202 - 6020, CRI in spanish, talk, via Shijiazhuang, China, good signal
2205 - 6040, Radio Nederland, in dutch, via Krasnodar, Russia, good signal
2207 - 6050, Polskie Radio, in polish, news, talk, via Wertachtal, good signal
2210 - 6070, Radio Romania Int, in spanish, talk, via Galbeni, Romania, good signal
2217 - 6095, unid, very poor signal.
2255 - 6075, Deutche Welle in german, via Sines, Portugal, very poor
(Ivan Lebedvsky/Cumbre DX)

Syria on 12085
Syria: Radio Damascus 12085 at 2141 on 28 feb, 2009. talks of Israeli synagogues and islamic mosques with classical music bridges between announcements. id at 2145. excellent S-10 signal with their infamous transmitter hum. modulation was excellent also. sounded just like it
did back in the 80's. 9330 not heard. very impressed. (Stephen J. Price, Johnstown, /HCDX)

Voice of America Bangla service provides vital news and more
Coverage includes reaction from neighboring countries
WASHINGTON, D.C. February 27, 2009 – The Voice of America’s (VOA) Bangla Service actively covered the mutiny of the Bangladesh Rifles border guards this week, providing listeners with news, information and interviews with experts on the tense situation.

On Friday, Prime Minister Sheik Hasina sent military tanks throughout Dhaka to calm the situation, one day after hundreds of guards fled their headquarters. The flight ended the bloody two-day revolt after which more than 60 bodies were found. The border guards have complained they are treated like second-class citizens within the military.
VOA, which broadcasts in Bangla 90 minutes daily, gave news updates from Dhaka on the unfolding events.
Among others, the service interviewed retired Major General Muniruzzaman, Director of the Institute of Defense and Security; retired Major General Ibrahim, a military analyst and several leaders of the border guards.
The service also covered reactions from neighboring countries, especially India. As soon as the mutiny broke out, India put its shared border with Bangladesh on high alert to keep the violence from spreading.