
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Shortwave Blog "Bytes"

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

Agrentina RAE QSLs 6060
LRA1 Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, P.O.Box 555, 1000 Buenos Aires,Argentina, QSL Card full data (very nice QSL card for 870 Nacional; 96,7Nacional Clasica & 98,7 Folklorica Nacional reception reports). Received in one day. Thanks dear friend & DXer Gabriel Ivan Barrera forthe help).(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, DXplorer Mar 8/WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Austria - Documentary Archive Radio Communication
A press release by Wolf, OE1WHC, from the Documentary ArchiveRadio Communication, states: "The Radio Club of America was established in January, 1909, and issued the first ham licences in April of that year.

"To celebrate 100 Years of Amateur Radio, the Amateur Radio Section of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio Communication /QSL Collection, will activate, April 1-30th, a special event station with the callsign OE100M.

"OE100M is an official 'International Marconi Day' station.

"Contacts made on Saturday, April 25th, are valid for the IMD Award. QSL via the OE Bureau or direct to OE1WHC.

"Cards without SASE and IRC or green stamps to cover postage will be processed via Bureau."

To see the QSL, download the file at:
(via Mike Terry-UK, BrDXC-UK Mar 6BC-DX #902)

Belgium RTBF
Belgium programming RTBF special programs 0630-0700 and 1630-1700 UT both on Saturdays only.Others are relaying of domestic programs: Premiere (info and music)VivaCite (light music)Classic (oldies and rock/pop classics) - it will be only on Mondays 1900-2100, program Premiere:Mon-Fri 0300-1900, exc Mon 1700-1800 and Tue-Fri 1800-2100 when will beVivaCite, Sat 0300-0630 and 0700-1630, Sun 0300-1300 UT.

program Viva Cite Sat 1700-2100, Sun 1300-2100 UT and mentioned above.(March 1st, info recieved directly from the station which is verifyingrec.reports also in English).(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 3)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Bolivian tropical logs
Tropical Stations on at 2300 to 2350 UT3309.98 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba4451.26v Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma4699.42 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta,4716.19 Radio Yura, Yura (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, wwdxc BC-DX Top News Mar 6)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Brazil's Radio Educadora inactive
According to a specialist colleague national broadcasters in Brazil, it seems that you hear the Radio Municipal de São Gabriel da Cavhoeira,Radio Educadora is inactive for some time.
(Jorge Freitas/Cumbre DX)

Burkina Faso
E-mailed prepared card (in word format) of Radiodiffusion du Burkina,sent by Mr. Pascal Goba, Chef des Programmes, is shown on my homepage www ~BCLSWL /QSL0903.html (Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc BC-DXTopNews Mar 2(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Congo Democratic Republic
6210 Radio Kahuzi Got another short e-mail fromRichard McDonald. Mentions "Radio Candip is still on the air in BUNIA 5-600 miles North of Bukavu -- a government University radio. I remember others list them here, but that was a TYPO !

We have continued to be on each Monday & Friday, though we will changeschedule for 13 March to 15 April 09, as we will be on only during the day for our team's security, while we are travelling." So, maybe Monday willbe the best chance to log R. Kahuzi for a long time.(Dave Valko-USA, HCDX Mar 7) (WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

DXers Guide in fifth year from India
The one and only hard copy dx magazine from India. We are in fifth year with your support. We need your support in future too.

Now you will access this quarter 'Dxers Guide' from the following link

For hard copy and subscription details contact the above ID ARDIC DX CLUB SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR INDIA Rs. 75.00, TWO YEAR Rs. 150.00
REST OF THE WORLD 12 IRC for one Year and 24 IRC for two year

If you subscribe the hard copy of our Dxers Guide, then you will get the bonus copy of 32 pages A09 booklet.. Also we cover DRM to Asia, DX Programme list and WRN Schedule in this booklet. All these things in one pack. The Great bonanza for enthusiastic Dxers in India.

For Contact: Jaisakthivel
(Sakthivel, India)

Eritrea QSLs 5100
Radio Bana signed, stamped my prepared card in 45 daysfrom an illegible verie signer. My card went to Reijo Alapiha in JoennuFinland who contacted me via e-mail before forwarding the card asking meif I received his card. I hadn't but three days letter a Radio Banaenvelope arrived with his full data station card. He sent me my preparedcard as I sent him his card. Although I was glad to get the prepared cardback, I would have liked the modest station card too, hi!(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Mar 8) (WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Radio Dabanga update
Radio Dabanga broadcasting to Darfur has beenheard on March 5th at 0506+ UT as follows: 13820[?] S8 35334 [tentat 13800 MDG, wb.]13800 0430-0527 to East AF via Madagascar 250kW 325deg 7315 S9 43544 7315 0430-0527 to Af via Wertachtal 500kW 150deg 9830 S3 25233 but later was S9 43534 9830 0430-0527 to Af via Wertachtal 500kW 150degprogram consisted by news and reports . On 0510 UT with musical IS.[In A-09 on 13800UAE and 13840MDG.]

Is broadcasting a full program of independent news and relevantinformation for all Darfuri: city folk, villagers and herdsman, IDP's,Refugees, Darfuri abroad and in Sudan.

Radio Dabanga is broadcasting in vernacular languages, so that everyone in Darfur can understand the latest news about Darfur and its population.Programming is currently in three local languages and will soon expand tofour. The programme is also available on the website in Windows Mediaformat, MP3 (high or low quality) and as a Liangas-GRC, / RNW MN; wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 5)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Peruvian tropical logs
Tropical Stations on at 2300 to 2350 UT3329.53 Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco; 4857.39 Radio La Hora Cusco5120.2; Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 5460.20 Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar This one seems on infrequently! (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 6)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Russian DST
Maybe the first and long standing DST is in law in Soviet Unionstarting in 1918 and in the use now in Russia - for all these years theyare on UTC+3 (Summer +4) instead of the meridian UTC+2. It is add to theinfo in BC-DX 901.(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 3)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Saudi Arabia monitoring 17805
Reported buzz tome covered since Febr 2nd again. Buzzwas off on March 4th, but reappeared on March 5th and 6th. 0900-1200 UT \\11935 17615 21495 21715 kHz.

17805 No buzz today Mar 4th on this channel. BSKSA Riyadh heard buzz freeon all Arabic prayer channels at 9-10 UT slot 11935, 17615, 17805, 21495,and 21705 kHz. Also clean signals on 21670 Indonesian sce, 17785 French service, 13775 in Urdu from 1200 UT.

But contained buzz again on Mar 6th.(Nils Schiffhauer-D DK8OK, A-DX Mar 6)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

Now at 1220 UT Mar 6th buzz is on noon siesta til 1500 UT, then on 15435kHz.Remaining 8 x 500 kW beasts, all buzz free13775 Urdu15250 English til 1230, western modern pop music, S=6-717820 Bengali21505 + 21640 1st progr15380 17895 21600 HQ(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 4/5/6)

Now at 1600 UT Mar 8th buzzy unit is on 15435 kHz 1500-1800 UT.Remaining 6 x 500 kW beasts, all buzz free7240 Persian9525 Pashtu9640 Turkmen13710 HQ15225 1st px17660 French(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 8)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

UAE Community Radio 5935
Zimbabwe Community Radio via Al Dhabbaya (UAE) um 2038 UTC mitID, afrikanischer Mx, Berichten in E und Vn. sign-off at 2100 UTC. O=2-3.(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX Mar 3)(WWDXC Top News-BC-DX 902)

New radio station, Zimbabwe Community Radio will start broadcasting today joining several privately owned stations forced to transmit their programs from overseas because of the country’s prohibitive licencing regulations. The station run by Zimbabweans will initially broadcast for an hour everyday from the United Arab Emirates on short wave, 5935 KHZ.

It is expected to add impetus to calls for the new government to prioritise the opening up of the airwaves monopolised by the grossly under funded and inefficient Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC).

The station’s local representative William Ndlovu told Standardplus that they would be operating from outside the country because they did not have a license as required by the Broadcasting Act of Zimbabwe (BAZ).

“We will be broadcasting from outside the country beginning today because we do not have a licence and the BAZ never gave us a platform to apply,” he said.

“We will be on short-wave from 10pm to 11pm everyday.”

He said they were appealing to the inclusive government to free the airwaves so that more radio stations could start broadcasting and promote plurality in the sector.

“The new government especially the two MDC parties should fight for the liberalisation of the airwaves since they were the ones who have always been
fighting for democracy,” he said.

“We are waiting for a license so that we can operate in the country and if we are not given that license we will continue broadcasting from outside.”

He said Zimbabwe Community Radio would provide a channel for communication on economic, political, social, cultural, and developmental issues that confront the Zimbabwean community.

“Another aim of the station includes creating awareness on the value of community radio for development, freedom of speech, and the promotion of local culture, especially among marginalised minorities,” he said.

Zimbabwe has four-licensed radio stations all state owned and subsidiaries of ZBC.

But a number of radio stations have been operating from Western countries after the government banned Capital Radio, which began broadcasting after it successfully challenged the ZBC Act.

Some of the prominent stations include Short Wave (SW) Radio based in London, VOP Radio Africa operating from South Africa and Voice of America’s Studio 7, which are run by Zimbabwe’s exiled journalists. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina/HCDX)