
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blog Logs - pirate radio activity

All times UTC

6925.03 USB North Sea Radio, 0119-0125*, 4/12. playing songs about pirates such as I'm the Worst Pirate in the World and IDs with Seagull sound effects, announced at 0125 "moving to 6935 for the western array" and then gone. good (Srebnick-NJ)

6925.05 USB WTCR, 0147-0148, 4/12. w/pop mx and IDs, fair (Srebnick-NJ/NASWA)

6925 Northwoods Radio, 0142 – 0155, 4/13/09. Two segued rock tunes, “Northwoods Radio”, manic laughing, off. Fair to good. (Taylor-WI/NASWA)

6925.0 MAC, 2110, Apr 18, English, The Beatles "I'll get by with a little help from my friends", "I have nothing to say (but thats Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band." "Hey Joe"
Fair. (Rohde/NASWA)

6925.0 USB The Voice of Spike, 1323-1347, Apr 18, English, Spike and his Wacky Wacketeers, The only station dedicated to "Spike Jones" music, 1347 off. Good. (Rohde/NASWA)

6925.0 USB Voice of Kaos, 0003, Apr 18, English, "Get Smart" theme and then Voice of Kaos ID , This is the Voice of Kaos, "walk this way, talk this way", Pat Benatar "Heart Breaker", "yes, it is true the Voice of Kaos is back and this is our Rock n Roll show", "Hot Blooded" Fair. [Also] 1303-1329, Apr 19, English, Way down in the noise I heard the "Get Smart" music and "This is the Voice of Kaos" 1303 still hearing you but unable to really tell what is going on. Tuned back in just in time for the "Get Smart" theme, signal much stronger..sorry got lured away by the Voice of Indonesia Poor.(Rohde/NASWA)

6925.0 USB, Weak Radio, 0220, Apr 18, English, 0220 Punk sounding music, 0221 female WEAK Radio ID, Back to the punk Fair. (Rohde/NASWA)

6950.0 Channel Z, 1444, Apr 19, English, This is a test tx with a 1.1 watt corsette transmitter, "Sweet Child O'Mine", "fox on the run", Suzzie Quatro, Channel Z ID, "Frankenstein"
Fair. (Rohde)

6925 WMPR 1424 ID "This is WMPR" 04/12 fair (Srebnick-NJ/HCDX)

6850 WBNY 1429-1443* with Easter program, explaining how USA monkeys celebrate Easter on Sunday but Canadian monkeys celebrate on Monday. 04/12 fair (Srebnick-NJ/HCDX)

6925.05 USB UNID 1740-1829* Green Eggs and Green Spaghetti Sauce,
St. Patrick's Easter Day, and other green stuff. 04/12 fair