
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Radio Heritage Foundation releases guide on Antarctica

The Radio Heritage Foundation has now released an introductory guide to broadcasting in Antarctica at its global website and with some four stations at McMurdo Station alone, it seems 'global warming' is now unfreezing the Antarctic radio dial.

'Antarctic Radio Unfreezes' journeys back to AFRS radio station WASA 600 AM at McMurdo and traces broadcasting through the American Forces Antarctic Network [AFAN] on shortwave 6012 through to today's Ice FM 104.5.....where old vinyls have kept on spinning for a new audience.

Local 'pirate' station 88.7 FM is heard whilst cruising around Mactown, and along the ice highway linking McMurdo with New Zealand's nearby Scott Base, techno music from Radio Scott Base 97.0 FM can blast away the icicles.

Even deep down at the South Pole, it's KOLD 87.5 FM and across the continent, stations as diverse as Radio W.I.L.K.E.S, LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Soberamia FM, and Radio Ker 98.0 FM keep scientists and support staff entertained and informed through the seasons of snow and ice.

This well illustrated article at helps shine the light on little known radio stations across the entire 'ice' and may even result in more stations being discovered. Not all stations mentioned may still be on the air.

With all kinds of music coming from over 10 radio stations, volunteer DJ's, a Wells Fargo Bank ATM, increasing numbers of adventure travellers, cafes, and more trappings of 'civilization' the Antarctic of today is very different from when explorers barely a century ago first stepped ashore.

For a fascinating and unique look at radio broadcasting in the Antarctic, we warmly recommend your visiting 'Antarctic Radio Unfreezes' today at .

Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization connecting popular culture and radio heritage across the Pacific. We welcome donations, volunteers and materials to help us protect our radio heritage past for generations in the future. Global website: .
(Dario Monferini/playdx2003)