
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Radio Nacional Angola reactivated on 4950 kHz

From the latest DX Window, comes word that Radio Nacional Angola has reactivated their use of 4950 kHz, as indicated from the following log.

4949.76, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 1845-1950 UTC, May 23, Portuguese announcement to Afropop, 1900 time signal. News, reports and talk, not heard since Dec 2008! SINPO 35232, at times improving to 35333. Also tentatively heard at 2208-0045, May 16 and 22/23, football commentaries, talks and native songs by choir, SINPO 24333 heterodyne maybe from Radio Kashmir. (Méndez and Petersen)
(DSWCI-DX Window 377)