
Friday, June 05, 2009

KSM special event D-Day anniversary

Paul Dobosz passes along the following bit of tid from the Maritime Radio Historical Society

The KSM schedule will be slightly modified for 6 June, the 64th anniversary of D-Day.
Transmitter Supervisor Steve Hawes will be aboard SS RED OAK VICTORY/KYVM while QSL Mistress Denice Stoops will be aboard SS JEREMIAH O'BRIEN/KXCH. Both ships will be active on MF, communicating with each other and with KSM. The calling frequency will be 500kc. The KXCH and KYVM working frequency will be 425kc.

KSM will be on 500kc and 426kc. RTTY service will be unavailable since Steve provides this from the Bolinas transmitter site. Steve usually provides the recently initiated CW press service too. But since this has proven popular with many listeners I will key the CW press
service from the receive site beginning at 1000pdt/1700UTC along with the normal KSM Pacific high seas weather broadcast on 1430pdt/2130gmt. All broadcasts will be keyed on 426kc and
all HF channels except 22Mc with interruptions for traffic to or from ships. In that case all transmitters will be keyed with the traffic no matter what frequency is used for contacting
the ship so that listeners on any frequency will be able to hear the KSM side of the exchange. The ship's QSS will be announced so that listeners may attempt to hear the ship as well.
Amateur station K6KPH will be available as usual, guarding 3550kc, 7040kc, 14050kc and 21050kc. K6KPH may best be contacted using commercial calling procedure: call K6KPH repeatedly until the operator responds with DE, then send your call.
VY 73,
Richard Dillman, W6AWO
Chief Operator, Coast Station KSM
Maritime Radio Historical Society
(MARE Tip Sheet 531)