
Friday, June 19, 2009

Radio Netherlands Program Guide - June 21-26

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands Worldwide this week, beginning on Saturday.
*** The State We're In ***

PROTESTERS AND POLICE: Ivan Marovic helped organise protests against the Milosovic regime in 2000, after yet another fraudulent election - protests which helped topple the government. He tells Jonathan how crucial it was to neutralise the police: not through physical confrontations, but by engaging them in their cause. He advises protestors in Iran to do the same.

This week's theme: How fair is fair trade?

FAIR TRADE FOR WHOM? Kenyan woodcarver Dankan describes how fair trade has doubled his income and answered the prayers he and family had. But filmmaker Steve Daley tells Jonathan how a trip to a fair trade cocoa plantation in Ghana convinced him that fair trade doesn't better the lives of producers significantly, and that all it really does is soothe the collective conscience of western consumers.

FIGTING FOR FAIR WAGES IN INDIA: Jonathan speaks with a domestic worker in Bangalore, India, who, after joining a new union, found the courage to fight for better wages, a day off and, in one case, the right to even use the toilet.

FAIR WAGE TRIUMPH: When Argentinean Jose Luis Bethancourt came to the United States he got a good paying job. When a new boss illegally cut his and his co-workers wages they sued ... and won. He tells Jonathan what other workers being paid unfairly can do to help themselves.

FOOD AND FAIRNESS IN WAR: Amela Marin Simic lived through the siege of Sarajevo in the 1990s. She tells Jonathan what she did to put food on the table for her family - like bartering with TV crews who wanted interviews - and how her conception of what constitutes fair costs for food changed forever after the war.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1505 South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
1500 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

*** Network Europe Week ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe. If you missed any editions of Network Europe satisfy your needs with this digest of the programme's top stories.

The votes have been counted in the EU elections - we look at the winners and the losers and analyse how the parliament will change. Also on the programme: Can European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso keep his job? Literature lovers set themselves a summer challenge - but can they stay on the same page? And we meet a bike chain gang doing a penal Tour de France.

Broadcast time on SW (UTC):
1505 South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Note that we run Network Europe Week every hour on Monday until 1600

SUNDAY 21 June
*** Network Europe Extra ***

Arts and Culture brought to you each Sunday from Europe's widest partnership of international broadcasters.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1505 South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
1500 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

*** Radio Books (primary programme) ***

'Love' - by Erik Jan Harmens

Erik Jan Harmens became the first Dutch National Poetry Slam champion in 2002. Since then he has published several collections of poems. Last year his first novel was said to create a new genre dubbed "corporate horror fiction".

His story for Radio Books can be said to have elements of psychological horror. A man is buried beneath the rubble of an apparent terrorist attack. Alone in the dark with his thoughts, he expresses his hopes - of rescue - and his regrets - if not found in time.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1505 South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
1500 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

MONDAY 22 June
*** Curious Orange (primary program) ***
Holland remembers Anne Frank on what would have been her 80th birthday. We'll hear what it means to have her second and third diaries returned to the Netherlands.

And, Political Editor John Tyler will be in with Headlines from The Hague. tThis week it's "Geert Wilders, The Sequel" (to the sequel to the sequel to the sequel to the... well, you get the picture).
And, finally, we'll have music from girl guitar hero Elle Bandita. Robbert Tilli from the Music Center of the Netherlands will tell us more about this hardcore Dutch feature artist.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1505 South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
1500 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

*** Radio Books (repeat from Sunday) ***

'Love' - by Erik Jan Harmens

Erik Jan Harmens became the first Dutch National Poetry Slam champion in 2002. Since then he has published several collections of poems. Last year his first novel was said to create a new genre dubbed "corporate horror fiction".

His story for Radio Books can be said to have elements of psychological horror. A man is buried beneath the rubble of an apparent terrorist attack. Alone in the dark with his thoughts, he expresses his hopes - of rescue - and his regrets - if not found in time.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Network Europe Week ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe. If you missed any editions of Network Europe satisfy your needs with this digest of the programme's top stories.

The votes have been counted in the EU elections - we look at the winners and the losers and analyse how the parliament will change. Also on the programme: Can European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso keep his job? Literature lovers set themselves a summer challenge - but can they stay on the same page? And we meet a bike chain gang doing a penal Tour de France.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast time on SW (UTC):
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm

*** The State We're In - Midweek Edition ***

PROTESTERS AND POLICE: Ivan Marovic helped organise protests against the Milosovic regime in 2000, after yet another fraudulent election - protests which helped topple the government. He tells Jonathan how crucial it was to neutralise the police: not through physical confrontations, but by engaging them in their cause. He advises protestors in Iran to do the same.

This week's theme: How fair is fair trade?

FAIR TRADE FOR WHOM? Kenyan woodcarver Dankan describes how fair trade has doubled his income and answered the prayers he and family had. But filmmaker Steve Daley tells Jonathan how a trip to a fair trade cocoa plantation in Ghana convinced him that fair trade doesn't better the lives of producers significantly, and that all it really does is soothe the collective conscience of western consumers.

FIGTING FOR FAIR WAGES IN INDIA: Jonathan speaks with a domestic worker in Bangalore, India, who, after joining a new union, found the courage to fight for better wages, a day off and, in one case, the right to even use the toilet.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Earthbeat (repeat from Thursday) ***

In this week's programme: sex miles. Is your long distance relationship bad for the planet? When the chemistry says yes, but the geography says no. Visiting a partner can involve regular flights and a lot of extra carbon dioxide. Earthbeat meets the man with a girlfriend in a foreign country who's decided not to fly.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm

*** Bridges with Africa (repeat from Friday) ***

Zimbabwe's prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai tours the West, but he isn't asking for money -he says.

It's taken 13 years but Royal Dutch Petroleum has settled the Ken Saro-Wiwa law suit at 15.5 million US dollars. What can Africa learn from the case?

In this week's video on the radio we feature 'pastorpreneurs' from Benin, who sell the word of Christ - and themselves - on TV.

And we have a studio get-together with Bantu Continua Uhuru Counsciousness. A group of talented young musicians from Soweto, South Africa.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Reloaded (primary programme) ***

Another selection of this week's programme highlights presented by Mindy Ran.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm

*** Earthbeat (primary programme) ***

A classical music festival goes green and commissions leading composers to write scores with an environmental conscience. We'll get a taste of these eco-sounds. And their composer talks to us from his home on a remote Scottish island, about why the environment inspires and concerns him.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Curious Orange (repeat program) ***

Holland remembers Anne Frank on what would have been her 80th birthday. We'll hear what it means to have her second and third diaries returned to the Netherlands.

And, Political Editor John Tyler will be in with Headlines from The Hague. This week it's "Geert Wilders, The Sequel" (to the sequel to the sequel to the sequel to the... well, you get the picture).
And, finally, we'll have music from girl guitar hero Elle Bandita. Robbert Tilli from the Music Center of the Netherlands will tell us more about this hardcore Dutch feature artist.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe

FRIDAY 26 June
*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1905 West Africa 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2200 Asia, North America, Safm

*** Bridges with Africa (primary programme) ***

We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa. The show goes beyond the clichés of starving children and war-ridden countries and seeks to bring you genuine voices from a vibrant continent.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Reloaded (repeat programme) ***

Another selection of this week's programme highlights presented by Mindy Ran.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia and Southeast Asia 11895, Eastern China 12065, Southeast Asia 15110
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1300 Europe
2300 Europe

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1405 South and Southeast Asia 9345, South Asia 11835 and 15815, Southeast Asia/India 7530, Tibet 5825
1805 Southern Africa 6020, East Africa 15535
2005 West Africa 11610, 11660 and 15335, East Africa 9480

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
2200 Asia, North America, Safm
2300 Europe