
Friday, July 31, 2009

Abkhaz Radio heard on 9535 kHz

ABKHAZIA (autonomous Republic)
Georgia Abkhaz Radio, Sukhumi noted June 13 opening at new 0245 UTC, under Radio Exterior de Espana, on 9535 parallel to 9495. Closed at 0300, 9495 continued till 0530. 9495 also observed at 1100-1125 and 1400-1600. Own programs except Radio Rossii relay 0500-0530 and 1435-1600.

On July 22 I heard them at 1500-1700 on 9495 with Radio Rossii Dubl 4 and 1700-1715 with own news programme in Abkhaz and Russian, a repeat of the 1100 news. (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, BDXC-UK Communication)
(Mike Barraclough, UK/worlddxclub/Contact-Aug 09)