
Friday, September 25, 2009

Amateur radio event QSLing update

KL - Hugh, K6HFA says he will try to be active as K7A from a few islands in Alaska between 21 September and 5 October. IOTA groups mentioned include NA-236 (new one), NA-222, NA-216 and NA-087. He plans to operate CW and SSB on 20, 30 and 40 metres. QSL via K6HFA, direct or bureau (direct QSLling policy at ). [TNX ]

OD - The Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) will be operating special event station OD5F for the duration of the 6th Francophone Games, which will be held in Beirut from 27 September to 6 October. QSLs will be handled by the RAL QSL bureau. [TNX IARU]

PA - Special callsign PA08DWN will be aired on CW on 2-3 October during the annual Furieade maritime event at Maassluis, near Rotterdam. Operations will take place from the radio shack of the "Elbe", a tugboat that is being restorated to serve as a museumship. QSL via PA3ALM. [TNX PA9HR]

VP8_sg - Lars, MM0DWF ( will be working again at Husvik, South Georgia (AN-007) between early October and mid November. He expects to operate again as VP8DIF during his limited spare time, running 100 watts to a G5RV on RTTY, CW and SSB (in that order). QSL via DJ9ZB, direct or bureau. [TNX G4DYO]

KP2 QSL BUREAU, The ARRL US Virgin Islands Incoming QSL Bureau's new address is: Virgin Islands QSL Bureau, P.O. Box 25782, Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 00824. Comments or questions on this bureau's operation may be directed to Ann Keegan, KP2YL
( ). [TNX NC1L]

QSL 9M2MRS Rich, 9M2MRS (PA0RRS) reports that his incoming mail is being tampered with and green stamps are being stolen. Direct QSL requests should be sent to his address in the Netherlands (R.W.L. Smeets, Schoorveken 100, 5121 NM Rijen, The Netherlands). [TNX OPDX
Bulletin] (DX News # 959)

9M8, East Malaysia (IOTA Op). Steve, 9M6DXX, from the Island of Borneo (OC-088) plans to busy from East Malaysia over next two months. Look for Steve to be active as 9M8Z from Sarawak, East Malaysia (OC-088), between October 22-26th. Activity will be SSB only but will also include operations in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 24-25th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power/Unassisted entry. QSL via LoTW, or QSL direct or by the Bureau to M0URX (or request direct or bureau cards on-line [see info at: ). In early November, Steve/9M6DXX will be joined by John/9M6XRO and the operators will activate Pulau Labuan Island (OC-133) between November 6-8th (and possibly for one or two hours on November 9th after 0000z).

The callsigns and operations will be as follows:
9M6DXX/P - On 80-10 meters; SSB only.
9M6XRO/P - On 160-10 meters; CW and RTTY. Each stations
will be using amplifiers to a multi-band vertical and a 160m inverted-L, both mounted very close to the ocean. Operators hope it will be possible to operate on 160m CW at the same time as SSB on the other bands. QSL both 9M6DXX/P and 9M6XRO/P via M0URX, either direct, by the bureau or LoTW.

C9, Mozambique, Marco, IK1RAE, will be active as C91VM between October 5-23rd. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using SSB and running 100 watts into a vertical. Marco plans (if possible) to activate IOTA groups AF-061, AF-066, AF-072 and AF-088. QSL only direct. PLEASE NOTE: All proceeds will be donated to a charity project in the village of
Malangute - check for the official QSL info.

YR550, Romania (Special Event). Members of the Romanian Society of Radio Amateurs will activate the special callsign YR550BU between September 18th and October 5th. According to the "Societatii Romane a Radioamatorilor" (SRR - Romanian Society of Radio Amateurs) Web page, activity is to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the first written mention of "Bucharest", the capital city of Romania. SRR states, "Bucharest was mentioned by Vlad Tepes (a.k.a "Vlad - Dracul") in a donation receipe issued at 20th of September, 1459. Vlad Tepes is the
character that inspired Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'." The Romanian Society of Radio Amateurs will issue a special QSL card for this occasion. Look for activity on the HF bands, 80-10m. For more information, visit the SRR Web page at:
(Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin - DX News 926)