
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Blog Logs

Today’s edition of Blog Logs, represent what hobbyist have been logging recently. Have you heard an interesting program or favorite station you’d like to share with our blog readers? Contributions are always welcome to the above email address.

All times UTC
English unless otherwise indicated
// heard on parallel frequency
frequencies in kilohertz
* sign-on sign-off*

Radio Australia via Shepparton, 9590, 1300. News reports covering Southeast Asia. SIO 454 (Bob Fraser, ME).

Radio Santa Cruz, 6134.75, 2340-2359. Initially noted a male in Spanish, then joined a lady. Program sounded like a language lesson. Signal fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

Radio Italiaia, 5970.01, 0925-0935 (presumed). Male announcer in steady Portuguese comments until 0930. Possible station ID during threshold signal (Chuck Bolland, FL).

Radio Japan/NHK relay, 6120, 1219. Report on Agent Orange related health problems. SIO 544 (Bob Fraser, ME).

KBS World Radio (South Korea) relay 9650, 1220. Report on funding a hi-tech medical complex outside of Seoul. SIO 554 (Bob Fraser, ME).

Radiodiff. National Tchadienne, 6165, *0429-0445.+ Sign-on with Balafon interval signal. National anthem at 0430 into opening French identification and announcements at 0431. Repetitive local tribal music at 0432 on continuous tape loop. Signal fair-good. (Brian Alexaner, PA).

North Korean Reform Radio (presumed), 9950, *1300-1330.* Talks in Korean by male/female duo. Vocal music at 1324, closing announcement at 1328. Good signal, listed as via Taiwan. (John Wilkins, CO)

Equatorial Guinea
Radio Africa, 15190, 2251-2255.* Tune-in to closing English ID announcements with station contact information. Gave email address as: Signa; good and strong. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Radio Malabo, 6250, *0514. Back-to-back African pop and high-life vocals. Occasional “Radio Nacional” identifications and announcers’ chatter. News began at 0605. (Brandon Jordan, TN/Cumbre DX).

Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, 7165, 0344. Open carrier on frequency, until possibel interval signal beginning at 0354. Female announcer in Arabic with identification. White-noise type jamming began at 0359. Station off at 0431. (Brandon Jordan, TN?Cumbre DX)

Radio Ethiopia, 7110, 0300-0340. Chime gongs at 0300 into Amharic talk. Horn of Africa style music. Signal fair-good. Noted weak on // 9704.19. Very weak on // 5990.a9 (Brian Alexander, PA)

Radio Ethiopia 7110, 2045-2101.* Tribal chants to Horn of Africa style music and Amharic talk segments. Sign-off with national anthem at 2059. Signal weak but readable, very weak on // 9704.19 (Brian Alexander, PA).

Polish Radio relay via Wertachtal, 9525, 1225. Report on the marriage age getting older. SIO 543 (Bob Fraser, ME).

Presumed as Radio Conakry 7125, 2300-0020.* Good signal, but almost non-existent modulation. Occasional barely threshold audio, male speaking in what sounded to be French. Off at 0020. (Brandon Jordan, TN/Cumbre DX)

All India Radio-Hyderabad, 4800, 0020. Vernacular language to station interval signal. Choral-like music, followed by male announcers’ reports. Hindi music. Signal poor and rapidy deteriorating. (Scott Barbour, NH).

All India Radio-Chennai 4920, 0013-0020. Vernacular language to station interval signal. Lady announcer’s text with sign-on routine. Hindi music for poor signal. (Scott Barbour, NH).

All India Radio-(presumed as via Mumbai) 4840, 0040-0050. Vernacular text from two announcers with talk. Hindi music for poor-weak signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).

All India Radio-Thiruvananthapuram, 5010, *0020. Vernacular text to station interval signal. Vande Mataram sign-on announcement. Signal poor-weak under band noise. (Scott Barbour, NH).

RRI Jarkarta, 9680, 0800-0820. Kang Gura Indonesia, English program # 6502, songs by Kris Allen. Taiwan late today signing on; heard with usual CNR-1 jamming chaos from 1237-1304 with fair-good reception in Bahasa Indonesian. (Ron Howard, CA).

Voice of Malaysia (Suara Malaysia) via RTM (presumed) 11884.67v, 1221-1229.* Program in Chinese. Pop music during strong signal, but very distorted audio. (Ron Howard, CA).

Traxx FM, 7295, 1200-1225.+ Time tips to 1200, followed by news headlines. Pop/techno tunes from 1203-1225 with occasional “Traxx FM” ID and jingles. Program continued past 1230. (John Wilkins, CO)

RTV du Mali 9635, *0800-0815. Transmission opened with interval signal of drums and flutes. Station ID in French into additional vernaculars talking. None of the usual bright tribal music, just non-stop chatter and multiple “Radio Mali” heard until 0815 fade-out. Signal was poor (Bruce Barker, PA).

Radio Mauritanie 4845, 0715-0725. Arabic heard despite bad modulation. Signal goes from severely over-modulated to grossly under-modulated. Copy impossible and this comes after Nouakchott returned to 4845 with a brillant signal. (Bruce Barker, PA)

XEQM, 6104.50, 1108-1210. Tuned in late, but noted typical Mexican style ballads, followed by Spanish text and continued music. Signal fair-poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

North Korea
Pyongyang BC Station, 2850.01, 1153-1208. Choral and instrumnetal music to 1200. Time pips and Korean talk by male/female announcers. Noted // to 3959.72 and 3320. All freqs observed as fair (John Wilkins, CO).

Voice of Korea 11710, 1310. Report on national reunification. SIO 443 (Bob Fraser, ME).

Papua New Guinea
Radio Western, 3304.99, 1157-1220. Daru presumed with announcer in English (?) follwed by lady announcer at 1220. Assorted pop and island-flavored vocal music, followed from 1208-1220 tune out. Signal weak (John Wilkins, CO).

Radio Maranon, 4835.48, 1010-1030. Station is a reliable Peruvian on the 4 meg band that can be counted on to transmit in the mornings. Noted a fair signal with male’s Spanish comments over Peruvian huaynos music. Canned station ID at 1017 and local ad, and live comments. Signal remained fair (Chuck Bolland, FL).

Voice of Russia (Moscow) 9890, 0028. Report on a proposed oil pipeline under the Caspian Sea. SIO 555 (Bob Fraser, ME).

WYFR relay via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 9460, 1135-1150. Listed as Cantonese service. Male announcer with extended talk to musical ballads. Additional talking as signal began to fade out under band-noise. Signal fair-poor (Scott Barbour, NH).

SRTC, 7200, 80239-0429.* Station sign-on with Qu’ran recitations. Arabic talk at 0240. Noted “Huna Omdurman” ID and local chants. Time pips at 0300 and 0400, followed by a possible news segment. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Voice of Turkey, 15450, 1310. Letterbox program with talk on reception reports. SIO 554 (Bob Fraser, ME).

Denge Mezopotamia 11530, 0401-0425. Kurdish programming of talk and announcements. Presumed Kurdish traditional music at 0405. Poor to moderate signal under strong WYFR Portuguese programming, improving over time. Occasional signal peaks almost to WYFR’s level. (Jim Evans, TN).

KNLS Anchor Point, Alaska 7370, 1103-1112. Russian service with pop music and announcers’ talk. Station identification at 1105. Signal very weak and poor under band (Scott Barbour, NH).