
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Radio - A Priority in Philippines Flooding

As disasters piled up all across FEBC's broadcast areas in the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia this week, staff struggled to keep the radio broadcasts on air to guide those in crisis.

In the Philippines, Ella and Peter McIntyre (Feba UK staff working with FEBC since 1988) witnessed the storm damage from Typhoon Ketsana and FEBC in action. Ella writes: “Many of our own broadcasters and colleagues were directly affected themselves. Church property washed away, homes damaged, possessions destroyed. At one bridge near FEBC, a bulldozer scooped up the mountain of black mud – poking out of the pile, a rolled up carpet, an armchair. Pitiful evidence of a home completely swept into oblivion.”

Additional story at:
(Alokesh Gupta, India)