
Friday, October 23, 2009

Radio Slovakia International - B09 English schedule

Blog Editor's Note:
The shortwave broadcast schedule published below is a portion of the full schedule for this station. A complete schedule that includes all broadcasting languages, is now available as an exclusive service to subscribers of Monitoring Times electronic magazine -- MTXpress.

This e-zine eliminates the hassles of slow or non-postal delivery, torn print issues, and the higher cost of print magazines. You get a monthly electronic Adobe pdf file in full color, completely searchable and that can be printed. It is also easy to store and read. Sight-impaired subscribers to MTXpress can have issues read to them using the Jaws Adobe plugin. Now our new MTXtra Shortwave Broadcast Guide includes all foreign language broadcasts on shortwave in the same format that we use in the monthly printed MT English Shortwave Guide.

MT breaks the schedules down by hour, station and by frequency, plus MT is the only shortwave schedule service that updates schedule information monthly. Now you can get MTXpress and the new comprehensive MTXtra Shortwave Broadcast Guide each month for a yearly price of $19.95US worldwide. No matter where you live, MTXpress and the new MTXtra guide has the shortwave information and schedules you want at a very affordable price. To get more information on MTXpress/MTXtra or to order, go to

Radio Slovakia International B09 (partial)

Effective: 25 October 2009 - 28 March 2010

Target Areas: as/pa (Asia/Pacific) eu (Europe) sa (South America)
daily unless otherwise indicated

All times UTC
0100-0130 7230.0na 9440.0sa
0700-0730 13715.0as/pa 15460.0as/pa
1730-1800 5915.0eu 6055.0eu
1930-2000 5915.0eu 7345.0eu
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times