
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Radio Vlaandren confirms end of shortwave

RVI has officialy confirmed that it is dropping its shortwave transmissions. The final shortwave broadcast will be on Saturday 24 October. RVi has been broadcasting a limited shortwave service to expats in southern Europe, but replies to a recent listeners’ questionnaire showed a declining audience for this service in favour of satellite and Internet, and the costs of using shortwave can no longer be jusitified.
(Source: RVi website/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

and our earlier post from this blog October 9, 2009
This afternoon I received confirmation from Els Vandeperre, that Radio Vlaanderen International plans to leave shortwave on October 24. Located in Brussels, Belgium, RVI broadcast in Dutch, and these last few weeks present a chance to verify RVI before their final day of broadcasting.
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC
Dutch - targeted to Europe
0700-0800 13685
0800-0900 9790
1800-1900 5960
1900-2000 6040


P.O. Box 26
B-1043 Brussels, Belgium