
Friday, November 06, 2009

Weekend radio shows on shortwave

Hi, it's first weekend of November 2009. And so it's time to turn transmitters of SCANDINAVIAN WEEKEND RADIO on again, began at 21:00 UTC time today Friday 6th of November.

Wishing good propagation and lots of reports once again. (OBS! Please remember 2 Euro/ 2 US-$, 2 IRC for our reply)

Scandinavian Weekend Radio/ Reports
P,O,Box 99
F-34801 VIRRAT

Alpo Heinonen


Hi there friends
Just to make sure you will remember it !! Saturday November 7, Cupid plans to be on the air. The antenna will be aimed at central Australian at 80 degrees. Good change for you, if you are lisening at the east side of the world Signal is straight over Afghanista, Pakistan, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. Hopefully the propagation will help a hand, and the signal will land on your antenna.

Broadcast schedule:
Saturday November 7 - 15.070 MHz

transmitting 400 watts running into a three elements beam ,aimed at 80 degrees east from my location. Beginning at 0900-1100 UTC.

Also there will be simultaneously a signal running on the 48 meter band, on 6205, 6210 or 6305 as this frequency is variable, so the European liseners can listen also to this broadcast. We will be in the chatroom from Mr Iann in France. Come join this nice chatroom at:
you will find it here For any report from any country there will be a special DX QSL, when you receive me on the 19 meter band. Please inclose a nice photo card from your city, no return funds is needed

Send report to:
Cupid Radio
P.O. Box 9
8096 ZG


Radio Joystick Relay on 9510 kHz

Dear Listeners,
The relay of Radio Joystick is on this Saturday the November 7, on 9510 kHz. The transmission time is between 0900-1000 UTC, with a power of 150 KW via IRRS. Radio Joystick is on the air every 1st Saturday of the month at the same time and on the same channel.
(Tom Taylor)