
Monday, December 07, 2009

BBC Arabic has new look

BBC Arabic has new look: clean, crisp, dynamic, clean (did we mention clean?), clear, white, red, gold... "The BBC Arabic network has reinforced its look and content across platforms – on TV, radio and online – with clean, crisp, dynamic visual and audio branding, stronger interactivity and dynamic news presentation. Its re-designed news studios and new graphics underpin its pan-BBC identity while also keeping a very distinct Arab flavour. The emphasis of the redesign is on clean and clear on-screen graphics. The BBC Arabic television news and current affairs programmes now have a new look and colour scheme - white, red and gold. The globe features strongly in the design, representing the truly international scope of the BBC's newsgathering operation. On TV and radio, BBC Arabic has introduced the theme music used by the rest of BBC television (composer, David Lowe), thus emphasising the channel's BBC identity. ... While the redesign brings the television channel's brand into line with its online offer on, the BBC Arabic network has also introduced major changes to its programme content, enriching the news bulletins with daily press reviews from Arab and international media and more in-depth analysis. The daily news programme, Hasad Al Youm Al Ikhbari, has been enhanced with a stronger interactive element, encouraging viewers to contribute with their questions and opinions on topical issues." BBC World Service press release, 12 December 2009. Have a look at, and click on النشرة الإخبارية اليومية along the left border to see the television newscast
(Kim Elliott)