
Monday, December 14, 2009

Radio France confirms language service cuts

Radio France International (RFI) has confirmed that radio broadcasts in four languages - German, Polish, Laotian and Albanian - will end on 19 December. These services will continue to be available on Internet only until a definite date is fixed for their closure. Broadcasts in Turkish, which have been Internet-only for the past two years, will cease completely on 31 December. Programmes in Serbo-Croat, which were origionally earmarked for closure, will continue via the station Beta-RFI, which is 49% owned by RFI.

RFI says it intends to maintain its FM relay stations in Berlin, Vientiane and Albania, which will continue to carry programmes in French.
(Source: AFP/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Earlier post, Radio France Internationale plans to cut six foreign languages, Oct. 8, 2009