
Saturday, December 05, 2009

Radio Symban on 2368.5 kHz

Radio Symban, 2368.5, (12/4). Heard at S4-5 lvl from Global Tuner site in Brisbane, Australia, from 0815 UTC. Tune-in with Greek music and call-in requests to a man announcer, to Greek programming.
The reported increase in power was from 80 to 400 watts but on 12/4 they were still at 200 watts per Tom Tsamouras, one of the station DJ's in an e-mail QSL this date. They plan to gradually increase power to 1 KW as various technical issues are worked out. Thanks to Don
Jensen, John Wright (Australian DXer) and ARDXC for supplying the original "on-the-air" heads-up (Don) back on Nov 12 and details on power increase and testing (John/ARDXC). Retuned at 1710 this date from GT site in Woodridge (Brisbane metro area) and Radio Symban was a bit weaker with more static but still nearly armchair level.
(Bruce W Churchill/Cumbre DX)

2368.49 Radio Symban. Was surprised to get a peak on the signal at times on the Perseus spectrum display this morning in the 1235-1250 time frame, and even thought I had some talking briefly around 1242. Highly tentative though. The other 120mb Aussies were okay, not particularly good. I think Symban should come in on a good morning. (5 Dec) Got this e-mail response yesterday.

Hi Dave,
Symban programming is certainly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Regarding the 2368 kHz, we are currently testing on this frequency with the intention of being permanantly in near future.
Our current power is less than 200 watts.
Tom Tsamouras
(Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)