
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Radio Australia and CVC relay

For the upcoming A10 season starting on March 28, Broadcast Australia, the
transmission provider for Radio Australia, plans to use this array of offshore relays:

Dhabbaya - Burmese and English
Kranji - Burmese and English
Palau - English, Mandarin, Indonesian, Burmese
Taiwan - English, Indonesian, Mandarin

This expanded relay usage is a consequence of the impending closure of the Darwin complex on Jan 31 by the owner, Christian Vision Communications.

From Feb 1, CVC SW transmissions are listed for Tashkent, Lusaka, and Santiago.

The Darwin facility will be mothballed - six transmitters, directional antennas, and associated infrastructure.

It is not known whether the facility will be sold to any other organization - to do so would require an extensive, protracted and complex process, which would need Federal Government approval.

Regards from Melbourne
(Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia)