
Monday, January 18, 2010

Radio Prague to remain on shortwave

Radio Prague Mailbox via Jonathan Murphy:

Once again, thank you – all of you who have written in in the last few months – so much for expressing your support. As we announced several times, our shortwave broadcasts are to continue according to the current schedule until the end of Janua...ry. Radio Prague's management is now working on a new schedule starting on February 1st but the great news to Radio Prague will keep its shortwave broadcasts. There will be a certain reduction but it will not be substantial and the majority of our listeners should not be affected by it. Radio Prague will need to find other ways to save and make ends meet with the slimmer budget for 2010. This is the result of intensive negotiations between Czech Radio and the Foreign Ministry and we hope this is good news for you just as it is for us here at Radio Prague.
(Mike Barraclough, UK/worlddxclub)