
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Update on Guatemala's Radio Verdad

I just received this letter from Radio Verdad regarding their third attempt to repair their SW transmitter (translated to English):

“On Thursday 14 January 2010, we made a third attempt to repair the two transmitter modules of "Radio Verdad" which were destroyed by lightning the horrible September 22, 2008. We thought, we were to succeed this time, because the last time we corrected the large short circuit located in the spark of the antenna, and as we warmed only two transistors. The new items replacing it, and tested, but not enough. We changed all the transistors and integrated circuits, including 12 power units, but even so, we did not get on the air. This time, we entered to the last phase, high voltage, but it did not broadcast radio frequencies.

The case we consider extremely difficult, almost impossible. We worked all day on that, until eleven o'clock at night, without satisfactory results. In this situation, we had to give up. We saw no other solution to the problem than order two new modules to be build in the United States, or purchase a new transmitter, but this is extremely expensive, and we do not have the ability to finance this, for Radio Verdad is entirely nonprofit.

The 2 modules we need, belong to a transmitter Omnitronix 1000SW, and have code:
Omnitronix 1998
B313110 REV 1
799 WT Power Amp
Modules Older Side
The two cards built into each module, have this code: B313115.

Your understanding please! Meanwhile, tune in online at our Website: or at our Blog:

(Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Director Radio Verdad.” (Méndez, Jan 17)
(DX Window # 394 via Anker Petersen)